Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only after knowing what our target is can we go on and set a transfer price that encourages each division to operate at the required volume .
2 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
3 The women there will tell you how all those jobs are defined by low pay in many cases , by low status , by very little opportunity to move into the high grades .
4 what weight of importance to attach to each criterion to arrive at an overall assessment for each axis .
5 Some of these sound waves reach the ears of the listener and travel down each earhole to press on the stretched membrane of the eardrum .
6 It 's it 's not about being able to get rid of them totally and we agree that we need some sort of level of arousal it 's being able to perform despite them to use that arousal to put into an effective presentation , and that 's what this two days is about is getting those butterflies for you to fly in formation .
7 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
8 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
9 It is usual for each side to begin with an equal points value of troops — say two thousand points a side .
10 So , in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we 're Fun Factor Number 1 , we 've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo .
11 We do not wish to be the first case of this kind to go before the Special Commissioners .
12 You can use this function to wait for a specified time for a key to be pressed .
13 People have , have got to have this opportunity to listen to the good news erm
14 So , in closing I would to take this opportunity to apologise for a late magazine last Autumn , it was the only hiccup in the new system , and assure members that , despite losing our magazine to outsiders for a little while , it is well worth it … happy reading .
15 It is , for the reasons I have given , not sufficient in this case to point to the medical cause of death alone when considering the question ‘ how . ’
16 Nor was this resistance to diminish in the post-war period , as will be seen in the next chapter .
17 Thus they 've stopped and started and stopped again while others have used this route to slip inside the Top 40 net .
18 Some used this expertise to work in the private sector as consultants advising on urban policy ; in one case a firm that employed no Black people was selected for its ‘ inner city expertise ’ to evaluate the Handsworth Task Force in inner Birmingham which it had previously also been paid to advise but which was now being shut down to make room for a newly fashionable Urban Development Corporation , this time in the Birmingham Heartlands ( sic ) .
19 as if that was n't enough , Patrick Eggle himself telephoned within a few minutes to confer on the requested changes .
20 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
21 I can not conceive that the pathologist will trouble to look there for a puncture mark and indeed , prior to that eventuality , it does n't seem likely that the emergency team of paramedics they 'll send out from Brighton General will be well enough acquainted with the action of this drug to hit upon the right antidote in time to prevent her from expiring . ’
22 A round arch near the pulpit is thought by some authorities to belong to an earlier period .
23 I believe that would be another loss to add to the enormous catalogue of British losses on the international scene .
24 It is beyond the scope of this chapter to grapple with the full implications of the whole ERA for pre-school education , particularly with regard to ‘ opting out ’ , financial delegation , especially as , at the time of writing , vesting days for each of these major elements have yet to be announced , and discussion would be speculative .
25 ‘ It is difficult to judge how far this attempt to appeal to the baser sort is dictated by the mere desire to be re-elected ( which , though by no means admirable , is , we suppose , understandable enough ) , rather than by any firm conviction ; or how far a re-elected Tory government would seek to put these detestable principles into practice .
26 It seems that even if you have loved and been loved , there could well have been some loss to bear in the recent past .
27 Despite this , the SGA 1979 does make some attempt to deal with the Scottish dilemma vis à vis non-possessory security interests through the insertion of s61(4) of the 1893 Act ( now s62(4) of the 1979 Act ) , a provision specifically drafted for Scotland but which also applies to England .
28 Another stock to advance for the same reasons was General Cinema , owner of Harcourt Brace .
29 Good arrangements and an eye for detail can only be achieved with practice , so it may help to have a few guidelines to follow in the first place , if only to act as a spring board for producing interesting and unusual ideas of your own .
30 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
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