Example sentences of "[vb pp] to do [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Individual users of software will not be permitted to copy or distribute copies of any software product or its documentation unless permitted to do so under the terms of the licence .
2 As most of the pontoons are rented to local yacht owners or associations one should not dock at a slip unless permitted to do so by the port police .
3 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so in the case of a person sentenced to imprisonment for life … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
4 However , since he may not release a prisoner unless and until he is recommended to do so by the Parole Board , the stage in an individual prisoner 's sentence at which the board considers whether to make a recommendation for his release is therefore very important .
5 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
6 The story of St Wulstan 's Hospital forms a fascinating footnote to the narrative of events at Powick , which illustrates that Worcester Health Authority was as much locally impelled to rationalize mental health services , as pushed to do so by the centre .
7 They were not instructed to do so by the apostles and their doing it was not a condition of membership of the church community .
8 The consequence was " chaos " resulting from " the absence of any broad general basis of education , such as English offers " , and from the lack of an English " compactly enough built to do well in the scramble " .
9 ( 3 ) If any constable reasonably suspects any person of committing an offence under the foregoing provisions of this section , he may if requested to do so by the chairman of the meeting require that person to declare to him immediately his name and address and , if that person refuses or fails to so declare his name and address or gives a false name and address he shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection . ’
10 Conversely the tenant may contract to remove fixtures either unconditionally , or conditionally upon being requested to do so by the landlord .
11 Below is a selection of questions you might like to ask , either during the interview or when invited to do so by the interviewer .
12 Mussolini took advantage of these largely theoretical impositions to say that the League 's intention was to destroy the Italian economy and , surprising as it may seem today , the people of Italy reinforced what proved to be his growing megalomania by demonstrating , when inspired to do so by the press , that they were ready to make any sacrifices that might be asked of them .
13 The Crown did not object to the Divisional Court looking at the materials ( see p. 237G–H ) but the court itself refused to do so on the grounds that it would constitute a breach of article 9 .
14 ‘ Ever since my father got as far as the fourth fence when leading the field on Zimulator in L'Escargot 's year in 1975 , I have wanted to do well in the race , ’ he told me .
15 You should not sign the form until the time of enrolment when you will be asked to do so in the presence of the Enrolment Officer .
16 The Consumer Protection Act also makes a supplier liable if he fails to identify the producer within a reasonable time , having been asked to do so by the claimant .
17 He was not in the habit of examining patients ' heads for vermin unless asked to do so by the superintendent-nurse , in which case he had always directed that they be disinfested .
18 In the event of armed conflicts between different nationalities , the national army " can act independently as mediator to ease the dispute even without being asked to do so by the administrations concerned " .
19 Section 80 provides that directors shall not exercise any power of the company to allot shares in the company or rights to subscribe for , or convert into , shares in the company unless they are authorised to do so by the company in general meeting or by the company 's articles .
20 As reported on June 22 , the government announced that 20-year contracts would be offered to several companies to explore and develop marginal oil fields , the first time commercial companies had been allowed to do so since the nationalization of the oil industry in 1976 .
21 As indicated by the work commissioned by the Department of Health , few practitioners currently make that distinction , nor are they encouraged to do so by the assessment procedures they are required to operate ( DoH , 1991d , p. 47 ) .
22 ‘ when directed to do so by the police constable ( or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty ’ .
23 The later authors duly record 834/1431 as the date of Fahreddin Acemi 's becoming Mufti , but they are forced to do so by the logic of their position and seem not to depend on any statement in the early sources .
24 For both reasons , he resisted attempts to reinsert Spain fully into the international capitalist system until forced to do so by the prospect of a return to wartime rationing .
25 Satan , however , will not recognise his defeat until forced to do so by the servants of Christ .
26 The scientists who use the animals must be individually licensed to do so by the Home Office .
27 The user should respond by pressing any key when prompted to do so by the word Key ?
28 Nicholas had probably devoted those last moments , in part , to regretting that he had failed to do more for the peasantry , but if Alexander understood the late tsar to mean that he should introduce changes he was slow to take the injunction to heart .
29 More than half of all companies required to apply for pollution licences have failed to do so by the deadline of the end of September , according to reports submitted to the conference of the National Society for Clean Air .
30 Evidently he was going to empty his bladder , and had chosen to do so in the concealment of the shadow cast by the fire escape , rather than foul up his doorway .
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