Example sentences of "[vb pp] to have the [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , brothers and sisters who differ in age share genes to the same extent as dizygotic twins , and so in a purely genetic disease would be expected to have the same concordance rates — but they do not .
2 Opposition deputies had sought to have the minimum voting age lowered to 18 and all of them left the chamber in protest prior to the vote .
3 July 26 , 1976 The barrister successfully applied to have the third party notice struck out on the grounds that it disclosed no cause of action .
4 Near the Lindenhof there is St Peter 's church , which is said to have the largest clock face in Europe ( nearly 29ft in diameter ) .
5 ‘ You 've got to have the right bloke mind , ’ Yanto smiled at her , as she stood up and shrouded herself in his blanket .
6 Former athletes who took no further exercise were found to have the same risk factor for a heart attack as those who had never been active .
7 Brian Wisenden and Miles Keenleyside , of the University of Western Ontario , have spent the past two years studying the convict cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum ( named for its distinctive stripes ) , a species already known to have the common cichlid habit of forming monogamous pairs to bring up the next generation .
8 The sub-utility function is assumed to have the constant elasticity form
9 He added that if Medway 's almost completed study on Rosyth dockyard were favourable , it was planned to have the combined passenger/freight roll-on roll-off facility in place by Spring 1994 .
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