Example sentences of "[vb pp] on in [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keith McPhilips , 35 , was drinking in the Restalrig Inn , Edinburgh , when he was repeatedly struck with pool cues , hit with a chair , punched and kicked and had his head jumped on in a sustained attack .
2 Cords , white or beige , were worn early on in small numbers but in mid'71 black/bottle green/navy straight leg Levi cords caught on in a big way .
3 Fast on its heels came MacPublisher and Ready-Set-Go but somehow neither caught on in the same way .
4 The chances of the Government being defeated when amendment 27 is voted on in a few weeks are now difficult to judge .
5 The few gypsies remaining on the site this afternoon , who 've asked not to be identified , claim they were picked on in a motiveless attack .
6 The beam carried on in a straight line , and hit the point where the bullseye ought to have been .
7 By a majority the Court of Appeal held that on the true analysis the firm had in fact been automatically dissolved ( because its continuance would have been illegal ) so soon as there was a failure to renew the practising certificate by one of its members , and that thereafter the properly qualified partners had carried on in a new partnership at will which was not prevented from recovering its costs .
8 I do not believe there is any absolute virtue in such openness , in fact , I think that education is ideally carried on in a shared form of life where there is agreement about fundamentals and attention can be concentrated on the task in hand .
9 Most of the Dialogues are about the kind of research carried on in the new laboratories which were becoming a feature of life by the 1870s .
10 Here had been the baroque brothels , where wenching had been carried on in the grand manner .
11 Example 2:13 Right to display advertisement permitted by regulations The right to display in and on the demised property any advertisement permitted to be displayed without the express consent of the local planning authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning ( Control of Advertisements ) Regulations 1992 or any modification or replacement thereof Example 2:14 Right to display advertisement in prescribed form The right to display on the front door of the demised property a name plate not exceeding in area and advertising the business carried on in the demised property and to display the name or style of that business on the name board situated in the entrance hall of the building of which the demised property forms part with letters provided by the landlord
12 The work on the atomic bomb , which had been carried on in the British Isles , was transferred , in 1943 , to the United States of America , and became known as the ‘ Manhattan Project ’ .
13 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
14 One sanitary inspector reported that ‘ far from being carried on in the poorer types of dwelling , outwork was taken to supplement their resources by many people whose names one would never expect to find on an outworkers list ’ .
15 He was not involved in any way with the mining that was carried on in the surrounding area , but he was greatly affected by the frequent serious and often fatal accidents suffered by the miners through premature blasting explosions .
16 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
17 Coffee cup 's lifted on in the wrong place can it ?
18 Only 365 people turned up and to add insult to injury , the lights had to be turned on in the second half when a storm blew up , plunging the ground into darkness .
19 All contain the same genes , although different genes will be turned on in the different specialist cells .
20 Their friendship had straggled on in a passive sort of way ; he 'd been to see her in Brighton and played the romantic flirt , talking of Brief Encounter in the pub and putting his hand on her knee .
21 Simple word-processing programs often used in conjunction with microwriters are already being experimented on in a few schools .
22 There 's a school of thought that Hanley should be given a spot on the bench and brought on in a game-breaking role .
23 This poem is about the death of one of Wilfred Owen 's fellow soldiers and this is focused on in the first stanza .
24 Special trains were laid on in the early days , bringing musicians , singers and visitors .
25 The mapping or transformation rules to convert the conceptual model in the form of entities , attributes and relationships , to a logical model which could be relational , hierarchical or network has already been touched on in the relevant sections .
26 The problem of social role One particular difficulty which is liable to beset participant observation studies was touched on in the previous paragraph ; it concerns the social role allocated to the fieldworker as a consequence of his or her age , sex , ethnicity or other socially significant attributes .
27 The work of the courts is touched on in the next chapter .
28 The thing has gone on in a different way from previous years , and the outcome , as you 've observed , although the Liberal Democrats initially proposed spending at capping , they have gone down by half a million pounds .
29 There are two groups of tropical diseases of importance ; those that are sexually transmitted — chancroid , granuloma inguinale , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and those that , although passed on in a non-sexual fashion , are closely related to syphilis and may be confused with it .
30 He had been taken on in an unofficial capacity as Captain 's companion , but , like everyone else on board , from ship 's surgeon to midshipman , he had made the best of this great opportunity by gathering remarkable collections of insects , plants , birds , and fossils .
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