Example sentences of "[vb pp] than [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They also appeared to smell and taste ‘ damp ’ , probably due to baking technology which allows far more water to be added than in the traditional method in order to produce artificial volume and a longer shelf life .
2 I ) is composed of a series of segments which are more equally developed than in the other regions of the body ( Matsuda , 1975 ) .
3 Less water is needed than in the traditional methods , resulting in a number of technical savings and efficiencies .
4 It can not be better exemplified than by the uncomfortable relationship of late Cretaceous marine sediments to the metamorphosed Precambrian rocks of the Bohemian Massif , as illustrated in plate 3.1 .
5 The link with crime found by Eysenck was that when prisoners were tested for extroversion , more extroverts were found than in the general population .
6 ( lighter and darker areas , respectively ) , it was found than in the darker areas Whites had higher arrest rates than Blacks .
7 But from this , and from table 4.8 , it is reasonable to conclude that the situation is in this respect less focused than in the inner city .
8 Is the technology which reaches the defence sector better utilised than in the civil economy ?
9 For the Celts , female nudity held a very powerful magical significance , and this is nowhere better illustrated than in the Irish saga of the great semi-divine hero , Cú Chulainn .
10 Marx 's and Engels 's position is always something of a balancing act between idealism and crude or ‘ vulgar ’ materialism and this is nowhere better illustrated than in The German Ideology and the Theses on Feuerbach .
11 Their own experiences at the Front , and the fact that in many of their villages and townships heavier losses had already been recorded than in the First World War , contradicted what Hitler had had to say .
12 The staff were also much more formally dressed than in the three humanities departments .
13 This fantasy world of natural lust , ironically , can scarcely ever have been more closely realized than in the appalling conditions of the urban poor in the sordid back streets and alleys of prosperous Victorian cities ; but it could not , of course , be permitted to endure for long in the theoretical world .
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