Example sentences of "[vb pp] its [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Malthusian League had addressed its message to the working class , emphasising birth control as the only remedy for poverty , and had met with understandable hostility from leading ( male ) socialists .
2 The hotel has targeted its occupancy for the first year at 55 per cent , which , Mr Nitschke says , is realistic .
3 Hoylake claimed that : ‘ BAT 's urge to conglomerate has diverted its attention from the traditional core business , tobacco towards ill-conceived diversification ’ .
4 This was the journal Jewry Ueber Alles which had just been published in February 1920 , and had altered its name to The Hidden Hand in September 1920 and to the British Guardian in May 1924 .
5 Syria , having given its support to the United States-led anti-Iraq coalition in the Gulf crisis , was currently enjoying the consequent improvement in its image in the West , and it was noticeable that there was hardly any international condemnation of its action in Lebanon .
6 Irouléguy is unique : it has given its name to the one wine that is still produced in the whole of the Basque country .
7 One is Delta Cephei , which has given its name to the whole class of short-period variables .
8 Each leaf on the Lemande Tree , given its name after the Old English word for shining and glittering , will represent a donation towards the appeal to build a glass-walled community centre for the elderly and mentally ill within an old church in Morningside , Edinburgh .
9 The ruling body of the International Tropical Timber Organisation ( ITTO ) has given its approval to the continued logging of key tropical forests in Malaysia and the Amazon .
10 It is submitted that it would be ill-advised to treat such statements made in one House after the Bill had completed its passage in the other House as an expression of the intention of , in the words of Lord Browne-Wilkinson , ‘ Parliament as a whole ’ .
11 To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the 1916 Rising , the National Museum of Ireland has revised its exhibition on the vital period of modern Irish history between 1900 and 1921 and called it ‘ The Road to Independence ’ .
12 Indonesia was elected to chair the NAM for the period from 1992 to 1995 , and it was announced on Sept. 22 that the Indonesian capital Jakarta would host the 10th summit of the movement 's heads of state in 1992 , Nicaragua having withdrawn its application at the last moment .
13 Scarcity limited its purchase to the wealthy and quinine did not become available generally for the treatment of malaria for another two hundred years , when the Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies .
14 DataEase is one of those products that has hidden its light under the proverbial bushel .
15 David Thomson , who found the film ‘ gratuitous , misogynist , pretentious and repellent ’ , remarked about Hoffman that ‘ his adoption of violence at the climax is the more troubling because Peckinpah never seems to have explained its need to the gentle and perplexed actor .
16 As a result of his research into the social constituency of the leagues , Coetzee presents them as one of the means whereby the Conservative party broadened its support amongst the middle-class and crucial lower-middle-class voters , thus assisting its development from ‘ a loose conglomeration of agrarian interests to the predominant party of government in urban , industrial Britain' .
17 Prehistoric archaeology has immensely broadened its approach over the last twenty years .
18 Having satisfactorily ascertained its existence through the whole length of the spinal marrow , my next object was to discover whether it was a continued tube from one extremity to the other : this was most decidedly proved , by dividing the spinal marrow through the middle , and pouring mercury into the orifice where the canal was cut across : it passed in a small stream with equal facility towards the brain ( into which it entered ) , or in a contrary direction to where the spinal marrow terminates .
19 Before I began the formal research I had been aware from the few parents of children with trisomy 21 I knew that there was more disquiet about their negotiations with professionals and the treatment of their children than had made its way into the academic and professional literature on parents and families .
20 The ‘ Lancashire ’ coffin appears not to have made its début until the second quarter of the nineteenth century .
21 Though the single-break flat-lidded coffin had made its entrance in the last quarter of the sixteenth century — the lead shell of Lady Elizabeth Howard ( d.1591 ) with appliqué lettering at Withyham , Sussex , is of this type , as is the pictorial representation of Sir Henry Unton 's 1596 coffin in the Unton portrait at the National Portrait Gallery , as well as a small sculptural representation of a coffin on the 1615 mural monument to Susan Kinges at Morston , Norfolk — the single-break gable-lidded shell seems to have been more popular .
22 Rushing belatedly to launch a Windows edition of 1-2-3 , the firm released a faulty version of the program and the firm has seen its share of the lucrative spreadsheet business slip to 48% .
23 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
24 Membership of the European Community since 1973 has helped attract foreign companies in droves , while better management of a virtually strike-free economy has transformed its performance in the past few years .
25 In Asia , such ‘ cultigens ’ include the coconut , which may have had its origin on the Great Barrier Reef , and the mango , the talipot palm , Corypha umbraculifera , its leaves used as writing paper , and the betel nut with narcotic fruits .
26 This capacity to enjoy beauty could have had its origin in the elaborate effects of association between , to quote just one possibility , the peace and beauty of a woodland retreat , and the relief to be felt in being there after suffering , for example , the pain of a lost battle .
27 His fervently expressed hope in the coming of the Age of the Holy Spirit may have had its origin in the Jewish concept of the Messianic Age , for like the latter it was regarded by him as lying essentially within history and not beyond it , being indeed the climax of history .
28 The ex-Yugoslav Publishers Association has had its membership of the International Publishers Association suspended .
29 By the end of The Order of Things , however , he revises this somewhat conventional thesis to suggest that what was involved was not so much a move from a static to a historical view of things as the break-up of a common , unified historical time-scheme in which every phenomenon had had its place in the same space and chronology .
30 A different form of control liability will , however , apply if the dominant undertaking — whether or not a shareholder — has formalised its relationship with the public company concerned by a control contract which provides for it to manage the company and in which it offers the minority shareholders a buy-out or , at the shareholders ' option , to pay them an annual protected dividend .
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