Example sentences of "[vb pp] an [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1985 , the influential business magazine Forbes had in fact all but written an obituary for the American nuclear industry :
2 Is not the reputation of having written an opera for the Viennese theatre the best way to enhance one 's credit not only in Germany but also in Italy ?
3 At the Novello ceremony , Mr May also accepted an award for the best television commercial theme for Driven By You , written for Ford .
4 Where the court has made an order for the public examination of the bankrupt ( under s 290 ) or has issued a summons to appear under s 366 , the court may also order an Inland Revenue official , on the application of the official receiver or trustee , to produce to the court the relevant accounts or assessments submitted to the Inland Revenue ( s 369 ) .
5 Indeed in April he had proved that such reading was an art : the Sitwells had organized an evening for the Free French in the Aeolian Hall , and in front of the Queen he gave a memorable and dramatic performance of " What the Thunder Said " .
6 There was a certain entrepreneurial spirit about our man ; he seems to have had an eye for the main chance , and at no time more so than in 1854 , when he left behind the delights of Hoxton and begun a brief flirtation with the idea of running a lodging house .
7 At Bucharest the Turks had promised an amnesty for the Serbian rebels , but before the sultan 's authority could be established , the Turkish , Albanian and Bosnian Muslims who formed the occupying army pillaged and looted in a reign of terror which included the killing of all males over the age of fifteen in some areas , the enslavement of women and children , and the brutal torture of any Serbian leaders who fell into their hands .
8 CHURCH leaders have withdrawn an invitation for the British National Party 's candidate to take part in a debate with his political rivals .
9 The real crime of the USSR is to have spoiled an opportunity for the whole world , they have so discredited socialism . ’
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