Example sentences of "[vb pp] from time [prep] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( 2 ) For the purposes of this section : ( a ) " special road " and " special road authority " have the same meanings as in the Roads ( Scotland ) Act 1984 and ( b ) " class I " means class 1 in Schedule 3 to the Act , as varied from time to time by any order under section 8 of that Act , but , if that Schedule is amended by such an order so as to add to it a further class of traffic , the order may adapt the reference in this section to traffic of class 1 so as to take account of the additional class .
2 In addition , it is supplemented from time to time by statements of practice or policy issued by the Panel .
3 A journal publishing the new material which had been added from time to time to the machine-readable text .
4 Vagrant birds of South American origin are reported from time to time on the South Orkney and South Shetland Islands ; their presence indicates repeated possibilities for colonization , but they invariably disappear quickly .
5 The doctrine of precedent restrains tribunals and the trial judges in the county courts and in the High Court from digressing into frolics of legal innovation , but even the trial judge will be presented from time to time with issues upon which there are no binding precedents .
6 The three departments , however , do use official statistics in the detailed studies which are done from time to time on a one-off basis .
7 As the author of this publication , my opinion has been sought from time to time by dealers , other scholars and the auction rooms .
8 Institutions authorised by the Bank of England to carry on a deposit-taking business in this country are required to make contributions to the Deposit Protection Fund as levied from time to time by the Deposit Protection Board .
9 Henceforth it was to be seen from time to time on route 16/18 .
10 And that small , dark young man Simon Westward , who was seen from time to time around Knockglen , he was Eve 's first cousin .
11 Killer whales and pilot whales belong to the group known as ‘ toothed whales ’ ( and are related to the dolphins ) and both are seen from time to time around Shetland .
12 Govan car sheds were reputedly haunted by a figure which was seen from time to time in a driving compartment of a car but on investigation the figure had disappeared and was nowhere to be found ; the cab was empty yet strangely cold !
13 In addition , in some systems which have operated from time to time in the UK and elsewhere , there is a procedure whereby people are asked attitude questions about the product before the show and after it , and given the opportunity to select the test product ( from a list ) as a prize or gift .
14 This was reiterated from time to time by showing them pages from the field notes and extracts from the data .
15 Quite soon the loads on aircraft got too big for this method ( though shot-bags are still used from time to time for certain simple tests ) and nowadays the loads are applied by means of hydraulic jacks operating through very elaborate multiple lever or ‘ family tree ’ systems ; each of the hundreds of branches ends in a mechanical attachment to the wing surface .
16 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
17 Indeed , they may be appreciated as a lively addition to the garden , to be watched from time to time from the kitchen window .
18 Letters addressed to the present writer have been opened from time to time from at least 1973 to the present .
19 In this area , however , during the Quaternary they were invaded from time to time by thick wedges of debris flows .
20 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
21 The topic continues to be raised from time to time in the media including illustrations of how celebrity trials in America are reported on TV .
22 Full-time undergraduate , postgraduate , diploma and certificate students are required to pay , prior to enrolment , a composite annual fee as prescribed from time to time by the Council of the University .
23 Subject to the payment of a fee prescribed from time to time by statutory instrument , any person is entitled to inspect and to obtain copies of ‘ any records kept by the registrar for the purposes of the Companies Acts ’ ; no distinction is drawn between the rights of members and inspection by other persons .
24 The financial criteria are altered from time to time by regulations .
25 shall also cause the trade mark registration symbol to be placed next to such of the Trade Marks as are registered from time to time throughout the world .
26 Perhaps no political argument could persuade American judges to reject the proposition that Congress must be elected in the manner prescribed by the Constitution , as amended from time to time in accordance with its own amending provisions .
27 The life of this normally gentle giant of a man was also punctuated from time to time by acts of sudden , often inexplicable , violence , usually associated with an over-generous intake of alcohol .
28 This should be undertaken from time to time with assistance in recruiting , training expansion of groups and also with Liturgical experiences .
29 Let's think about the unsuccessful hospitals and , possibly more to the point , the unsuccessful ventures undertaken from time to time by otherwise efficient units .
30 The draftsman should either designate in the lease the place where the advertisement may be maintained , or grant the tenant a right to maintain an advertisement in such place as may be designated from time to time by the landlord or his surveyor .
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