Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [noun prp] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In accordance with the formula the surplus of 1,118.07 is divided by 3,813 , so that 0.29 becomes the value of each of the papers transferred from Craig to other candidates .
2 The economy of the peninsula rapidly deteriorated and the seat of government of the western part of the Roman Empire was moved from Rome to different centres for safety .
3 Over more than 60 years , an estimated 150,000 children including some from Merseyside were shipped from Britain to distant parts of the Empire .
4 But the stations do demonstrate that architectural influences flowed north and south through the Americas , bending styles derived from Europe to new ends .
5 She then dismissed an originating summons under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 , Schedule 1 ( the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ) , declining to order that two children , who had been wrongfully removed from Australia to this country by their mother , should be returned to the jurisdiction of the State of Victoria , Australia .
6 Later that day , 22 May , at 190 hrs , a further signal was sent from AFHQ to Eighth Army ( with a copy to 5 Corps ) [ KP 224 ] marked " Personal for Gen McCreery from Gen Morgan " .
7 The force is also intended to block weapons shipments sent from Honduras to Salvadorean rebels .
8 Ease of travel Was one of the benefits brought by an empire as large and stable as the Persian , which after the conquests of Cyrus , Kambyses and Darius I in the second half of the sixth century extended from Thrace to modern Afghanistan and from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf and the Third Cataract of the Nile .
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