Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , tactical considerations may dictate that some conditions and definition terms are omitted from the vendors ' draft of the heads .
2 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
3 On May 3 the remains of Enver Hoxha and 12 other " former leaders of the Party of Labour " ( the PLA — the former ruling party , later renamed the Socialist Party of Albania — SPA ) were discreetly transferred from the Martyrs ' Cemetery in Tirana to a public cemetery in the suburbs of the city .
4 The West Country was not neglected ; Minehead and Barnstaple both suffered from the brothers ' visits .
5 Such an order can be sought from a magistrates ' court on evidence that a representative sample is unsafe and the authority does not need to secure a conviction in this respect .
6 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division , which exercises a supervisory capacity over the inferior courts and sits as a court to which an appeal ‘ by way of case stated ’ may be made from the Magistrates ' Court , is bound by the House of Lords , the Court of Appeal and its own previous decisions .
7 He often brought her scraps he had filched from the instructors ' table .
8 At the Hodge Holes it was " baggin time " ( a Northern word for lunch break ) and this was very fitting because Bill , who is a pedigree Bitzer ( bits'er this , bits'er that ) , rejoices in the name of Bilbo Baggins , a name given to him by my daughters on the day he was bought from the dogs ' home .
9 There can be no doubt that this sort of help is most valuable for teachers , and where it can not be provided from a curriculum development project itself might in less ambitious form be offered from a teachers ' centre or from a schools library service , although in the latter case the advice on sub-themes and topics would necessarily be tentative rather than prescriptive .
10 Dialogue is treated as an actual record of what happened , to be carefully distinguished from the observers ' reactions and speculations .
11 Maximum cash amounts are then withdrawn from the customers ' accounts .
12 It is not the same sort of task as that of the natural scientist in search of hidden causes , because the context of action can not be divorced from the actors ' understanding of the context .
13 Each of the bans was based on proscribed material , including propaganda literature , weapons and ammunition , seized from the groups ' headquarters .
14 The plough-witches often wore women 's clothing , which was derived from the mummers ' plays where an old woman called Bessy , accompanied by the fool , was the central character who carried the money box .
15 An individual firm 's demand for labour can be thought of as a derived demand — it is derived from the consumers ' demand for the firm 's product .
16 As Angel One advanced in turn and returned the formal pre-combat courtesy , he was acutely aware of the fact that they were being observed from the spectators ' gallery above .
17 That 's because Tony has just emerged from the players ' tunnel .
18 The Liberal Democrats have finally emerged from the puppet-masters ' box , but the crowds in the streets may decide they have left it too left .
19 This improvement related to the Bristol team 's efforts to make parents more aware of four main factors for cot death , which are identified from the parents ' accounts of the death of their baby .
20 These payments must be made irrespective of whether or not tax has been deducted from the sub-contractors ' payments .
21 This new legislation would create , in particular : a right for users of public services to restrain unlawful industrial action ; the provision of a right for union members to obtain more information on their unions ' financial affairs , including union leaders ' salaries ; protection against the use of what are called ‘ check-off ’ arrangements under which subscriptions to the union are deducted from the workers ' pay ; and greater freedom for people to join the union of their choice .
22 Jamie Pollock could be promoted from the substitutes ' bench tomorrow night .
23 ( Only one is allowed from the members ' evening . )
24 Although , as shown in Figures 4–6 , above , the proportion of ‘ initial failures ’ was relatively small , with none recorded in the case of material issued from the Advocates ' Library , and with only 4% and 3% of all deliveries from the Main Building and the Annexe falling into this category , they nevertheless merit close attention , since delays in the provision of items which are in fact available on the shelves can be a considerable source of irritation for both readers and members of staff .
25 Olivia Parker : Still Lifes , taken from The Photographers ' Gallery Weighing the Planets series ( until 113 Mar )
26 Olivia Parker : Still Lifes , taken from The Photographers ' Gallery Weighing the Planets series ( until 13 Mar ) .
27 The measurements are approximate and given as an indication only at this stage , taken from the architects ' drawings , the sizes may vary slightly after construction .
28 In the family proceedings court leave must first be obtained from the justices ' clerk .
29 Encouragement , funding and practical support for advocacy groups and user-only forums so that they become active in monitoring local mental health services ; formal channels of communication should be established from the users ' group to health and local authorities
30 A claimant dissatisfied with the decision of the insurance officer could have the decision reviewed by a local Court of Referees consisting of a chairman appointed by the Minister of Trade , one member chosen from an employers ' panel and one member chosen from a workmen 's panel .
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