Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [noun] to [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the truth of the affair , the consequence was that Pierre Nizan was immediately transferred from Perigueux to Choisy-Baches in the suburbs of Paris , a demotion which signalled a halt to his professional career and a moment of crisis in his personal and family life .
2 Peter , who has worked for Courtaulds for 19 years , recently transferred from Research to Engineering in Coventry .
3 About 300 political prisoners had been deported from Lisbon to Madeira in the autumn and winter of 1930 , and they were to be important in the trouble which followed .
4 Before we leave this topic , with some doubtless well-received witticisms about the American ateliers that are called Schools of Creative Writing , let us ask ourselves how an artistic tradition is transmitted from generation to generation in England , if it is not transmitted in the way that Pound took for granted .
5 The organism can be transmitted from fowl to fowl in the egg of Heterakis and in earthworms containing hatched larvae of the worm .
6 We have moved from consensus to conflict in politics : have we moved in that direction , too , as regards our constitutional order , taking that to mean the broad principles underlying the way government is organised and power exercised ?
7 When calico printing moved from London to Lancashire in the 1780s , a ready-made journeymen 's union went with it , whose members were so assured of their status and craft autonomy that the employers christened them " gentlemen journeymen " .
8 Leadership in science , which had moved from France to Germany in the late nineteenth century and from Germany to Great Britain early in the twentieth , now went to the United States , where immense resources had been developed during the war and were ready to be applied to more beneficial ends .
9 In February 1991 he had moved from Palermo to Rome in order to become director-general of penal affairs in the Justice Ministry , and it had been widely expected that he might head a new judicial body which was to be created as part of a fresh anti-Mafia drive .
10 Thus , they remain one of the few fungal orders that have not had at least one member grown from spore to spore in artificial culture , a prerequisite for any sort of genetic , physiological or biochemical research .
11 Since 1987 , the group 's dividends per share have grown from 4.6p to 11.85p in 1992 — a 158% increase .
12 Govan car sheds were reputedly haunted by a figure which was seen from time to time in a driving compartment of a car but on investigation the figure had disappeared and was nowhere to be found ; the cab was empty yet strangely cold !
13 In addition , in some systems which have operated from time to time in the UK and elsewhere , there is a procedure whereby people are asked attitude questions about the product before the show and after it , and given the opportunity to select the test product ( from a list ) as a prize or gift .
14 Of the $1.7 billion shifted from losers to gainers in workouts , senior creditors gave up $1.3 billion .
15 I was washed from top to toe in Mrs Joe 's usual violent manner , and handed over , in my tightest Sunday clothes , to Mr Pumblechook .
16 His partner was much shorter and wrapped from head to toe in a brown cloak .
17 She was wrapped from head to foot in an old-fashioned opera cloak , of blue velvet .
18 When the first 120 miles of the East India Railway were opened from Calcutta to Raniganj in 1855 , the ceremony took place at Burdwan station , a long classical structure 66 miles from Calcutta .
19 " Who 'll buy my lavender ? " is a street-cry within living memory , and bunches of lavender are still occasionally sold from door to door in English villages and country districts .
20 A fascinating warren of steep narrow alleyways , of Hat-roofed tenement housing , it was visible from the French quarter , visible almost throughout the city : that teeming place , filled with barefoot children , with women shrouded from head to foot in black , who clasped their head-dresses across their faces and between their teeth , and never raised their eyes .
21 In October 1921 the Huddersfield unemployed sent a deputation to Herbert Chapman asking for admission charges ( raised from 6d to ls in 1919 ) to be waived or lowered for those with a dole card .
22 This sum was raised from £20,500 to £21,300 in the 1987 budget .
23 The topic continues to be raised from time to time in the media including illustrations of how celebrity trials in America are reported on TV .
24 Policemen of twenty to twenty-five years ' service were harassed from pillar to post in the hunt for improved returns of charges and summonses .
25 Elevated from 89% to 90% in 1985 .
26 He had recently travelled from Tasmania to Norway in search of the perfect 2,000 metres of flat water .
27 She was painted from head to foot in red .
28 ‘ Jock ’ Norwell , Jim Pickering , Harry Ayre and ‘ Drac ’ Bowerman were flown from Luqa to Egypt in a Wellington piloted by newly-promoted and decorated Plt.Off .
29 The likes of Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista were clad from head to toe in leather , rubber , latex and PVC .
30 By the time Kathleen had sorted the patient out and found someone to give his wife a cup of tea and explain what was happening , Jack was back in Theatre , clad from head to toe in green theatre pyjamas , with a J-cloth hat and a mask .
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