Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 DOZENS of new leads have come from members of the public after a reconstruction of the last moments of stabbed businesswoman Jean Bradley , police said yesterday .
2 Evidence supporting the theory has come from experiments on the interaction of sleep loss with other manipulations known to increase arousal level , such as incentives and noise .
3 A request for a diary had come from friends of the broker whose daughter was due home from Arra in Zaire because of political troubles .
4 It has a charming , white stuccoed wiggly gable , two windows wide , that might have come from Amsterdam with the King 's guns .
5 The last proposal for change had come from France on the grounds of weather being better later in the season but it was decided then to leave fixtures in their present slots from January-March .
6 Flakes of a fatty substance are excreted from glands between the joints on the underside of the worker bee 's abdomen .
7 The King can not be exonerated from responsibility for the massacre ; he signed the instructions and failed to punish those who were involved .
8 He was the sixth child of working-class parents , Daniel Maclean , crofter and later potter , and his wife Annie McPhee , the grandson on one side of crofters evicted from Mull in the Highland clearances , on the other of migrants to industrial Strathclyde .
9 That same eighth chapter of Acts records the spread of the gospel by informal missionaries , men and women evicted from Jerusalem by the persecution which followed Stephen 's death .
10 Brushwood is being harvested from woodlands in the Ipswich area by Bill Foreman and other coppice workers to help stabilise the river bed of the Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire .
11 Indeed , a painter-critic named Lecomte had resigned from membership of the Salon because he felt the Cubists were too numerous and their work too well hung .
12 But the machines have been overwhelmed since the 1960s , not least by the impact of mass media and by demographic upheaval : New York 's non-Hispanic white population dropped from 77% of the total to 43% between 1960 and 1990 .
13 ‘ Clearly , their major difficulty is finance — the rouble has dropped from parity with the dollar three years ago to 1200 to the $ now .
14 Five of the nine infants have been shown to be deleted from part of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene ( table II ) .
15 If there is a Breach of Warranty the Insurer is discharged from liability from the day of breach .
16 Especially in southern England , expansion in the metropolitan and outer rings of some MELAs originated from inflows from the cores and rings of other MELAs , frequently from other parts of the country ( Kennett 1977 ) .
17 This would be expected from differences in the density and thickness of continental and oceanic crust .
18 Stewart 's bitter rival , the veteran Nicholas Kokataylo , the 33-year-old from Denton , in Manchester , was favourite for the gold medal , but a strong challenge was expected from newcomer to the weight , Ray Stevens , 26 , of the London Budokwai .
19 Stewart 's bitter rival , the veteran Nicholas Kokataylo , the 33-year-old from Denton , in Manchester , was favourite for the gold medal , but a strong challenge was expected from newcomer to the weight , Ray Stevens , 26 , of the London Budokwai .
20 Furthermore , it is planned to market the package , and interest in purchasing the materials is expected from educationalists across the U.K.
21 From that cold , emotionless void she watched herself speak kindly to the young girl introduced as Ellen , thank the Queen for her great kindness , beg to be excused from dining in the hall on the grounds of wishing to find her priest as soon as possible , and resolutely put all thought of fitzAlan out of her mind .
22 As might be expected , the permeability of these breccias is very good and high flow rates of up to 10,000 b/d have been reported from wells in the Argyll field ( Pennington 1975 ) .
23 Robert Hall reported from Roermond in the Netherlands on Monday .
24 The Church in Abyssinia had been rescued from extinction with the help of the Portuguese : without their intervention the Abyssinians might well have been absorbed into the adjacent Muslim world .
25 The transcript departed from aspects of the evidence which Reagan had given to the Tower Commission in 1987 , and suggested that he had returned to his earliest explanations of the Iran-contra affair , insisting that he did not trade arms for hostages and had seen not " one iota " of evidence that profits from the operation had been diverted to the contras .
26 What 's to become of the pool of labour when the heart and soul is torn from London by the ruler of the political obviously , no consideration for the human consequences of its policies .
27 Sophisticated network management software is needed to control the information flows and MBS has had its own system designed from scratch for the needs of its particular applications .
28 Fine Art images , flower paintings , William Morris designs and embroidery sampler pictures on greetings cards , notecards and card packs ; calendars , diaries and address books inspired by and designed from collections in the Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge .
29 The main requirement is for each degree of differentiation to be clearly demarcated from others in the eyes of buyers and for each firm to be the lowest-cost producer within each category .
30 Not out of the radio sets themselves , mind you , but — about a month after legalization — he flogged cassette tapes on ‘ How to keep a conversation going on CB ’ , with a follow-up manual listing good ‘ handles ’ ( mostly pinched from Lord of the Rings ) for Citizen Banders with absolutely no imagination .
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