Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [art] time of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 People will be interviewed at the time of taking a photograph and later after they have seen the results in order to ascertain just what they think they have ‘ captured ’ photographically .
2 There is an optional excursion to Abu Simbel , reservations for which must be made at the time of booking your holiday .
3 The highest price tag was £75,000 for an Elizabeth Frink horse , rumoured already to have been sold at the time of going to press .
4 They were to be measured at the time of felling and the buyer was given 15 years in which to do the felling .
5 Unless specifically agreed at the time of making your booking , we can not accept any reservation which is made conditional upon a Special Request being satisfied .
6 Suitable buildings are being considered but no final agreement has been reached at the time of going to press .
7 In other words , 67% of the urine samples found to be positive on culture were judged at the time of voiding to be clear .
8 There are now two further exclusions which apply — if the insured at the time of effecting insurance is receiving inpatient treatment or is on a waiting list for inpatient treatment and if he has received a terminal prognosis then no payments will be made .
9 Actual flight numbers are not known at the time of going to press .
10 Already a variety of vendors are attempting to create user interfaces which go beyond GUIs , but not have appeared at the time of writing in 1990 .
11 In the long term , tenants who have had their benefit reduced or removed at a time of rising rents are having more difficulty in paying .
12 The national curriculum guidance which has been issued at the time of writing on the two core subjects of mathematics and science shows a welcome emphasis on statements of attainment rather than testing .
13 However , in all other international cases the procedures can be excluded at the time of making the original contract ( s3(1) ) .
14 All hotels and guest houses in this brochure were registered at the time of going to press .
15 Any anxiety state and/or depression suffered by the insured and diagnosed at the time of purchasing this insurance .
16 They are kindly , educated people many of whom have spent their lives helping others and to whom fate has dealt a cruel , unexpected blow , leaving them bereaved and frightened at a time of approaching frailty .
17 The bones are still exposed at the time of writing this ( November , 1988 ) and they should provide additional data as time progresses .
18 An extension of time for compliance with the order may be required to be given at the time of endorsing the penal notice .
19 However , the University reserve the right to vary the charges from those confirmed at the time of booking by giving notice to the Organisers not less than 10 weeks in advance of the commencement of the conference/courses .
20 Or the clause may not say how they are to be paid , in which case this should be covered at the time of fixing the procedure .
21 The requirement of reasonableness is determined at the time of contracting which is an important difference from the 1973 Act .
22 Schemes will no longer be considered for registration where the fixed percentage of profit or the specified amount of the notional pool to be distributed as PRP depend on a formula that can not be determined at the time of writing the scheme ( p 103 ) .
23 Under a new Statement of Practice ( SP 7/92 ) , schemes will no longer be considered for registration where the fixed percentage or the specified amount of the notional pool depend on a formula which can not be determined at the time of writing the scheme .
24 N.B. A full deposit must be paid at the time of booking for all children , except infants , enjoying reduced price holidays .
25 If the identified candidate is a KPMG client , it should be informed at the time of making the approach of the firm 's role in the acquisition search ( see section 0602.1 above ) .
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