Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] [adj] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Many explanations have been given for the careful measurements and statistical information so frequent in Wordsworth 's early poetry , for example : but surely even this may ultimately go back to a desire to placate the scientific and Lockean tradition .
2 Some of the young calves are fattened on the farms but many are reared for a few months and then sold for fattening in central or eastern Britain .
3 In slot-blot experiments with total DNA , the ratios ( signal obtained with mitochondrial probe/signal obtained with nuclear probe ) were calculated for the two strains and compared .
4 With great reluctance , Reagan bowed to pressure from his advisers and compromised the Kemp-Roth principle somewhat by agreeing that the first cut should be delayed for a few months and reduced to 5 per cent in the first year with 10 per cent cuts in years two and three .
5 The tape crackled for a few seconds and then hummed as he replaced the receiver .
6 He was obviously destined for the professional ranks and as I watched him I could see why .
7 I do n't like the title , it 's probably done for the right reasons but … well …
8 I should like to take this opportunity to emphasise that the work on the Iraqi material is being done for the United Nations and the IAEA .
9 Where time permits , leave the final draft of any report you have written for a few days and then read it again with fresh eyes .
10 that decisions are made for the right reasons and do not run counter to deeply held attitudes or beliefs
11 Cover the holes made for the preservative pellets and build up , in layers , the areas that were cut away .
12 These were averaged for the six subjects and the SEM was calculated .
13 The housekeeping departments has to ensure that all rooms are prepared for the new arrivals and when a room is vacated the chambermaids have to change the linen and clean the room ready for the next letting .
14 Overdrafts to customers are often granted for a few days or weeks .
15 I did n't want anyone to feel that this diet was a ‘ prison sentence ’ to be endured for a few weeks or months before old habits could be reintroduced .
16 There , I would dissect the brains into the same crudely defined regions we had adopted for the imprinting studies and do the biochemistry .
17 Nineteen different countries will be visited for the 43 tournaments and the average prize money fund will go up from £461,000 to approximately £500,000 .
18 So the choreographer can not make strong contrasts between the style usually used for the other-worldly spirits and that used for the characters living in the particular setting .
19 By and large , the first three factors can be discounted for the inter-war years and it is clear that the most important factor was the decline in birth rate .
20 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
21 Individual balance sheets are produced for the main funds but the cash figures are balancing entries which taken together will , when the accounts balance , produce the cash book balance .
22 Tylers have never recognized any union and are well known for the low rates and poor conditions that they impose on their workers .
23 One DC was proposed for the existing modules and for the containing package .
24 In the early fifties after the war the Home Guard was reformed for a few years and some of us , having been demobbed from the forces rejoined , but somehow the spirit of the " Dads ' Army " had gone and one felt the enthusiasm was not there .
25 We , it was when I went to , when I , we were doing something with maps when I was at school and they were trying to find out what , it was the , where the local rates where the money was spent for the local rates and one of projects was taken down the sewage works .
26 Even if a " bill " succeeds at this stage , there is no further time allocated for the remaining stages and so , unless the Government gives up some of its time , the bill will not proceed further .
27 This information , based on the official records of Returning Officers , will initially be compiled for the 1981 elections and then expanded to include the results of those contests due in May 1985 .
28 ‘ You sound as if I 'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note . ’
29 Reduction of the hours worked for the full-time employees and not for the part-time employees would result in a financial advantage for the full-time employees .
30 I do n't know who they are — famous men , dead and living , who 've fought for the right things and created and painted in the right way , and unfamous people I know who do n't lie about things , who try not to be lazy , who try to be human and intelligent .
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