Example sentences of "[vb pp] for [art] long time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some learning resources are cheaper than others , and British primary schools have improvised for a long time with the very simplest materials including the discarded packaging of the consumer society .
2 Then he had gone , and the Curator had stared for a long time after him , and then at the golden eagle who stared blankly back at him .
3 Also , the slow course of the disease implied that any drug would have to be given for a long time in order to be effective and so would have to be particularly harmless to patients .
4 Exposed for a long time to moist , saturated , air timber might settle down to a moisture content of 22 per cent or 23 per cent .
5 As an apologist , he seems totally blind to the fact that the New Testament is just such a collection of old books , which require , if we are to understand them aright , patience and a willingness to listen to scholars who have meditated for a long time on the nature of the ( often quite puzzling and contradictory ) material which they contain .
6 The view that aggression is an integral part of human nature has been strongly argued for a long time by exceptionally articulate and persuasive individuals .
7 This is especially valuable where a job has been done for a long time by the same person .
8 Llanelli and Neath put on a show as good as anything seen for a long time at club level .
9 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
10 which again has been used for a long time on animals .
11 When he 'd gone I lay and thought for a long time about poor young Mr Vickers , and of what I should have told Doone , and had n't .
12 What we do have and have had for a long time in this country is an acceptance within our law and an acceptance within our definitions of freedom that there are responsibilities with freedom and those responsibilities in this particular case , we have long accepted the argument in this country , maybe not as much as erm , well more in fact than some of our colleagues abroad and maybe they could learn from us from this , but it is not acceptable to have the freedom to be unnecessarily cruel and in fox hunting we have a sport that is unnecessarily cruel , there are ways in which you can deal with rogue foxes , there are ways in which you can actually ensure that the fox community does not destroy the whole , er farming countryside .
13 Oliver was deeply grateful for this offer of shelter and talked for a long time with his new friend .
14 Kee told her about his life and talked for a long time about the old Haiti and the people he remembered .
15 He had driven to Roker in Sunderland and had walked for a long time on the beach , contemplating suicide , but had driven back to his son 's home .
16 The owner was a small exter named Fif , a ball of orange fur with tentacles , whom I 'd known for a long time in various planets .
17 The Princess found herself pigeon holed for a long time as a result of those early associations , but they were nevertheless a useful apprenticeship .
18 Their hard work , efficiency and friendliness helped to produce a day which will be remembered for a long time by all those who took part .
19 This served with 28 Squadron under 5 Wing and was later stored for a long time at 15 Air Depot at Snake Valley , adjacent to Swartkop before going to serve with the MEFS at Bloemspruit .
20 Residents have campaigned for a long time for a speed restriction and traffic calming in Skerne Park , which has a high accident rate .
21 The Tynedale Fenwicks and the Liddesdale Elliots were involved for a long time in a savage , unyielding feud ; and the Armstrongs , among their many clashes , quarrelled simultaneously with the Scottish Turnbulls and Johnstones and with the English Bells , while the Bells were also feuding with the English Grahams .
22 He must have worked for a long time in the garage .
23 Peggy had lived for a long time with an aunt while her daddy and mummy were abroad , and she had been spoilt by always getting her own way .
24 Of course , nationalism is not all simple illusion , for real material differences do exist and have existed for a long time between different countries .
25 Only a small minority of the wines are kept for a long time as vintage wines .
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