Example sentences of "[vb pp] to be [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The trial is expected to be heard before another jury in the near future .
2 The arrest of Hains , nicknamed ‘ Le Duc de Bourgogne ’ after galleries he ran first in Dijon and then in Le Louvre de Antiquaires in Paris , is expected to be followed by many more .
3 Although not explicitly referred to in this statement , issues such as the size of a united Germany 's armed forces and its relationship to NATO were expected to be discussed under this umbrella , dubbed the " two-plus-four " formula ( that is , the two Germanies plus the four allies ) .
4 Again the terrible horrors which are claimed to be practised by these decadent punks are not always borne out when subjected to close scrutiny .
5 Local and regional governments are , potentially , heavy spenders of public funds and complete freedom for them to institute and carry out their own expenditure programmes has come to be regarded in some quarters as subversive of a sufficiently refined power of control over public expenditure overall by central government .
6 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
7 It should be noted , however , that we will not be concerned with an explanation of why football fans and ‘ non-academic pupils ’ as opposed to other groups of boys and girls have come to be cast in this way .
8 Since both bodies are appointed by , or on the advice of , government they have come to be seen by some as a buffer between the state and the broadcasters but by others as an indirect mechanism by which the state can exert control over broadcasting .
9 Distinct class variations could be observed , and from the mid-nineteenth century the existence of some form of class differentiation in family size had come to be accepted by most writers on the subject ; by the census of 1911 the difference in the fertility of certain groups was clearly marked .
10 It is in fact directed against the protesters ' own parents — especially the father — and is intended to take the place of the infantile and adolescent reproaches and criticisms of the parental authority which have now come to be directed at each and any cultural equivalent of the father .
11 Any patient image can be considered to be composted of this normal image , upon which abnormal gut uptake is superimposed .
12 In this respect , the emergence of a nouveau nouveau roman was said to have evolved which was deemed to be characterized by this emphasis on textual productivity , instead of on reference and representation .
13 Special collars which give a small yet painful electric shock to deter barking are permitted to be sold in some countries , but really have no part in training a dog properly .
14 But when one is dealing with associative use , we have to do with a binary distinction ; the adjective is introduced solely to indicate that its property , even though applicable to some other entity , is associated with the entity of its noun phrase , and here there are only two possible states — either the property is associated , in the view of the speaker , or it is not ( and of course by a slightly curious consequence of the communicational process , the state must always be the positive one , since if the property were not felt to be associated with that entity and needed for identification , then the adjective which designates that property would simply not appear ) .
15 Whereas for Horvath and Sankoff ( as noted above ) the linguistic variables are ‘ well defined ’ , this is not so in a dialect-divergent community : in such a community few of the linguistic variables can be said to be defined at all .
16 As long as you toe the chalk line ] Rules are made to be kept in this house , no shouting , or running upstairs , and no Language . ’
17 Some , however , were concerned about the nature of the play activities , almost all of which were seen to be based on some kind of violence .
18 The motion of the second ( coupler ) link is thus not seen to be represented by either of the two previous attachment procedures .
19 There are some remarkable examples of genuine healing , but increasingly these are seen to be linked with some inner process involving a drive to self-healing .
20 The two can also be seen to be linked in that the principles involved in the doctrine of reprisals ( which is considered to form part of the jus in bello ) are essentially the same as those of the doctrine of self-defence in relation to the initiation of conflict .
21 The second guidance was in respect of roads , and much needed to be done in this regard .
22 ‘ Because of this we have had to contact all our hardware and software suppliers to check if any changes needed to be made to any of their products which we have installed , ’ said Alan .
23 Given that the problem of teenage smoking needed to be tackled with some urgency at that time ( and still does ) , such a course of action was understandable .
24 I still have no explanation for why things needed to be weighed in this area , and what connection it could have with the watering hole , but I am certain that my finds from the four sides of the pond resulted from these activities .
25 They pointed out that motility patterns in normal subjects needed to be described in more detail , that the relation between pressure and transit needed to be further investigated , and that the analysis and classification of pressure waves had to be standardised and quantified .
26 He deplored the paper shortage and the fact that books needed to be produced on such poor material .
27 They said that although Strathclyde had advanced and innovative policies in many areas of race equality , their research findings gave ‘ a clear signal ’ that far greater resources needed to be allocated to this area .
28 However , less than 3% of all deaths from lung cancer are thought to be caused by these substances [ 3 ] .
29 The Conservative Election victory in 1970 had removed , for the time being at least , the prospect of the School 's being compelled to join the Independent sector , and allowed thought to be given at some length as to what Independence might entail .
30 It would have had to be protected by some sort of front for the gold chain to run through . ’
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