Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [pers pn] by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His qualities as a Christian king are extolled in a letter addressed to him by a certain Aurelian , who was once identified with the bishop of Arles of that name .
2 The one MUP molecule in the asymmetric unit makes its most extensive interactions to a molecule related to it by a 2-fold rotation about an axis parallel to the axis of the β -barrel .
3 My thoughts went back to yesterday evening and Jock at No. 4 Commando , the damage done to him by a German mortar bomb , his head almost split in two and a leg blown off .
4 In front of the gate and connected to it by a high causeway was a tall grey watchtower whose summit commanded the approach down the valley .
5 I am concerned and I have mentioned briefly to Mr erm something which was er said to me by a local resident who 've read the paper this morning that British Rail are gon na start using their car parks to hold er car boot sales .
6 Spontaneous handwriting has a life and character of its own , conveyed to it by a busy brain through easy fingers .
7 ‘ It was told to me by a black guy : ‘ What 's black with red stripes ?
8 On 7 August Franco set up his headquarters in Seville , in a large house offered to him by a local aristocrat , the marchioness of Yanduri .
9 She seemed to vanish as quickly as she had appeared , leaving Ianthe to be pushed forward into the train , where she stood in a daze until she found herself sitting down in a seat offered to her by a small boy .
10 They were handed to him by a tiny nut-brown man in a red fez , who also sold little packets of sugared almonds and pistachios .
11 He had no idea that the bomb — with its sophisticated detonating system and the compact radio transmitter — had been smuggled to him by a devious route , via Finland and Germany .
12 But a mile or so away from Panama City , linked to it by a discreet network of roads and side-streets that become suddenly cleaner , neater , less tropic , less obviously corrupted , is a city that bears the great conquistadore 's family name .
13 Once it is forgotten again , she resumes her work in the spartan room allocated to her by a local co-op .
14 The Rev H.P. Wright , who was a chaplain in the Crimea , always carried in his breast-pocket a prayer-book given to him by a devout family nurse .
15 He confessed he had never read this one , given to him by a Parisian admirer .
16 Less consciously , their desire was for a baby to be given to them by a symbolic mother ( the female doctor ) .
17 That , and the electric kettle , given to me by a good friend , are a great blessing .
18 It is not it was given to me by a nice gentleman from Napier College doing
19 Will the Secretary of State take this opportunity to confirm an answer recently given to me by a junior Minister — it is in Hansard , of course — to the effect that a large number of pensioners — nearly 40 per cent .
20 This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA .
21 Just as the term ‘ the military-industrial complex ’ has a resonance given to it by a particular school of elite theorists , so the problem of the growth of government is associated with pluralist theories .
22 It was given to you by a certain gentleman , as security against a loan . ’
23 It did not follow that , because the architect was under a duty to act fairly in making a valuation for the certificates , he was acting in a judicial capacity and therefore immune from liability to his principal for loss caused to him by a negligent valuation .
24 He had done no regular television work since appearing as Byron in the mid-Sixties , but a BBC producer who saw him on stage in No Sex , Please — We 're British realized that he was perfect for the lead role in a script submitted to him by a new TV comedy writer , Raymond Allen .
25 It had originally been left to her by a noted amateur ornithologist and eccentric with whom she had been friendly for many years .
26 The third report I know of came from the Johannesburg Sunday Times of 14 February , 1982 , and was sent to me by a medical colleague .
27 There 's even a joke about the " reverse run " , which can happen when several people converge at speed towards the sound of a fallen durian , to find they have been beaten to it by a possessive and alcoholic tiger .
28 Another reaction , just as common , was described to me by a Sikh girl from Birmingham :
29 When I entered the Winter Gardens he was emerging surrounded by an hysterical crowd , having been greeted by a demonstration described to me by a hostile witness as ‘ reminiscent of a Nuremberg Rally ’ .
30 Its effect was described to me by a white probationary teacher :
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