Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [pers pn] by [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Up to 5,000 ethnic Turks and members of the Pomak community ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) had held a vigil outside the National Assembly building on Dec. 28-29 , but had dispersed after the contents of the resolution had been disclosed to them by National Assembly Speaker Stanko Todorov .
2 Idealised versions of life in the USA , for example , were often presented to me by young people who had watched many films and television programmes , as well as talking with foreigners .
3 1991 , 27 1042 ) , prompted a childhood memory and sent me rummaging at the top of the house for 300 Things a bright boy can do , a book presented to me by some relative ca 1928 .
4 In the ensuing raid by our officers , who had been tipped off about the smuggling run , a pitched battle between our men and the smugglers had led to several amusing incidents , related to us by local officers .
5 Reactive attitudes of this sort are contrasted with so-called ‘ objective ’ ones , which we adopt towards agents who are not regarded as morally responsible : thus we often try not to resent injuries done to us by small children or the mad , because we recognise that , in some sense , they do not know what they are doing .
6 We can use the skills and potential revealed to us by each archetype , but should recognize that they emanate from a source beyond our individual powers .
7 Now that we are beginning to understand the basic mechanisms of calcium release and entry , the next challenge is to describe the complex spatiotemporal patterns of calcium signalling revealed to us by single-cell imaging techniques .
8 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues of Ightham , were also granted to him by papal indult .
9 There will also be studies of how children 's tendency to believe or disbelieve statements made to them by other children is influenced by the presence of such verbs in the statements .
10 Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area .
11 However , the plea continually made to us by senior police officers and members of the Police Federation and other organisations representing the police is that they do not have sufficient people .
12 The degree and nature of any interaction between the proposal and existing research programmes would depend totally on the needs of each individual submission made to us by visiting researchers , and can not be foreseen at this stage .
13 One round of voting on June 27 was annulled as fraudulent after a number of deputies attempted to vote more than once using voting cards entrusted to them by absent colleagues .
14 But I have here a list of names supplied to me by General Friant .
15 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
16 A rough-coated collie called Tip , he was offered to me by some relatives down the dale whilst I still had Chip .
17 Meanwhile Sue has recently accepted a series of temporary secretarial posts offered to her by other companies .
18 What Pausanias actually says is that Hegetorides , the xenos in question , ‘ is bound to me by closer ties of friendship than anyone else in that part of the world ’ .
19 If a little girl can not feel herself able to win the heart of her father , her own father who has known her so well and so long , and is tied to her by mutual blood-ties , I reasoned , then how can the young woman who comes later have any deep confidence in the power of her womanliness .
20 People are active , conscious , and choose to behave as they do , rather than being driven to it by social forces outside their control .
21 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
22 We will respect the confidentiality of such third parties ' information provided to us by other professionals and agencies .
23 Biological factors assume importance in many stratification systems because of the meanings assigned to them by different cultures .
24 In the event of any Related company ceasing to be so related then ( unless the requisite rights are duly assigned to it by such Party by agreement ) each Party undertakes on request to grant to it continuing rights of a similar nature on fair and reasonable terms .
25 World War Two German aviation seems to be the theme of this month 's Collectair as a letter from Lorenz Rasse of Livermore , California , brings news of a fine metal model of an Me.262 given to him by former pilot Franz Kulp of III/JG7 .
26 the ‘ evidence ’ comes from the subject himself and is not given to him by another person .
27 It was delivered very secretly by a student of the Convitto Maria Luigia who travelled on the tram , and it had been given to him by another boy at the same school , a boarder whom I knew well and who lived in Fontenallato .
28 Slightly confusingly named Utsly-Gtsly , this model is one of many Nakamura creations made up from sketches given to him by flat-proud clients with 200,000 yen to spend
29 Will my hon. Friend confirm that many companies find that the loyalty given to them by disabled people more than makes up for any days that they may have to take off work to undergo treatment ?
30 I understand from the figures given to me by British Coal that more than 1,600 men are employed in private mines .
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