Example sentences of "[vb pp] of [pron] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had brought with him reading that was expected of him during this vacation , works on sociology and on linguistics and some where these two studies converged , but these were not the sort of books one much wanted to read under the hot sun and the influence of wine .
2 And if he involved himself in military activity , he would simply have been discharging the martial duty expected of him as royal liberator .
3 If the ‘ qualified driver ’ does not do what can be reasonably expected of him regarding these duties the learner could be said to be not under supervision .
4 Bad behaviour was expected of you in those times .
5 But the dreariness , the frightful struggle of life , the indifference of people , the troublesomeness of children — he did not want to be reminded of them at that moment .
6 The statistics given of one in seven offspring of deaf parents being deaf themselves , as opposed to one in 135 offspring of deaf-hearing parents being influenced Dr. Buxton to argue against the desire of deaf people to intermarry .
7 DNA is a macromolecule ; that is , a molecule of indefinite size ( it can be very large indeed ) which is compounded of lots of smaller molecules .
8 Nothing was heard of them for fifteen years .
9 A spokesman for The Magistrates Association said : ‘ I have never heard of anything like this happening before . ’
10 Have you ever heard of anyone in this office being asked to make other arrangements ? ’
11 ‘ We have heard of you for many years .
12 The programme showed really well how serious the crime levels were becoming , when a man explained that houses were completely stripped of anything of any value by adults and children alike , to sell as scrap .
13 A great fuss was made of us on that trip , according to my mother .
14 By the time I had heard it a fifth time , one of football 's most respected managers stood accused of everything from gross indecency to impotence .
15 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
16 Ironically , by absorbing huge new areas of strong Polish identity in the years 1793–1807 , the Prussians probably helped extend the idea of a Polish identity to Poles who up to then had simply thought of themselves as Polish-speaking Prussians .
17 While many of the 200 young mothers , grandmothers , shoppers and office workers who drifted into the Women 's Education Day might never have thought of themselves in this light , they probably identified immediately with the cartoon on the fact sheet : ‘ I am not just a housewife , I am an accountant , vet , nurse , negotiator , teacher , cook , red coat , driver … ‘ .
18 Karol Wojtyla was not a ‘ liberal ’ in any Western sense , though he too may briefly have thought of himself in such terms in student days .
19 She 'd never thought of him as that sort of man .
20 I had not done so before merely because I had not thought of them in this context ; I had supposed that you might prefer to be at some slight remove from the nefarious influences of the department …
21 ‘ I suppose you could say that , but I had never thought of it in those terms .
22 How was I to combat it , physically , menially , and although I had n't thought of it in those terms , spiritually as well ?
23 It seemed dreadful that I did n't know whether I loved him or not , that I had never even thought of it in those terms .
24 Using his logical mind , Dustin/Sumner takes them all on , getting rid of them in various ways — with a knife , burning oil , a gun and an animal trap .
25 His increasing tide of support from the populations of the Arab and wider Muslim world has puzzled Western observers , some of whom had actually believed that the Arabs might be only too glad to be rid of him with Western help .
26 Doing his best to stay awake , he chatted to Mills until satisfied that the other was convinced of his academic credentials and then , to get rid of him before Syrian George arrived to transcribe the night 's tapes and give the game away , sent him over to see Hurley , who wanted to know if Mills , in the course of his travels in and out of Lebanon for Newsweek , would like to shoot a few pictures for the DEA .
27 H. P. If your face did n't fit , they could get rid of you within twelve months.There was this bobby , a big chap over six feet , very dour , from the Hebrides — he 'd only seen sheep .
28 Then an attempt was made to get rid of it at 800 deg C in the west midlands but the incinerator needed to be at 1,200 deg C. The result was that the dioxins from Bolsover in the east midlands were transmitted all over the west midlands .
29 Muslims and Jews want to get rid of it for religious reasons ; Americans want ( wanted ? ) to get rid of it for hygienic reasons and for the hypothetical reduced risk of penile cancer in the circumcised population ; Latins love to play with it , like to keep it , and are taught to mobilise it often ; the British would like to ignore it , not to touch it , and eventually get rid of it when it causes too much trouble .
30 Muslims and Jews want to get rid of it for religious reasons ; Americans want ( wanted ? ) to get rid of it for hygienic reasons and for the hypothetical reduced risk of penile cancer in the circumcised population ; Latins love to play with it , like to keep it , and are taught to mobilise it often ; the British would like to ignore it , not to touch it , and eventually get rid of it when it causes too much trouble .
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