Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 A fundamental dis-continuity between human thinking and non-human thinking is already presupposed in the very arguments which were used to describe the imagined evolution from the one to the other .
2 This distinction between witchcraft and sorcery ( which , incidentally , is seldom drawn so sharply by other peoples ) is neatly paralleled in the contrasting effects which Zande assume each to possess .
3 Yes , and I have even added in a few pictures which have never been seen before .
4 SCOTVEC awards are included in the comparative tables which have been produced .
5 Are these costs included in the overall estimates which have been given to us f for the reconnaissance .
6 He recommended an amendment to Churchill 's published statement to the other party leaders suggesting this course , to say that the government would ‘ In the meantime … together do our utmost to implement the proposals for social security and full employment contained in the White Papers which we have laid before Parliament ’ .
7 According to sources close to the negotiating process , the talks broke apart in May 1989 , when the Panamanian side made it clear that the bases would be shut down — as permitted in the 1977 treaties which call for the closing of all US bases in the year 2000 .
8 Artists had been hired especially to prepare these culinary masterpieces in the lifelike forms of birds , beasts and cattle , jousting courtiers in full armour , soldiers battling with cross-bows , knights dancing with ladies ; all were vividly depicted in the gilded confections which rose over a yard high from the groaning dining tables .
9 Journalists can do little about legal costs and insurance , but they should be well versed in the legal defences which give them more latitude than is commonly thought .
10 It has an interesting history revealed in the medieval walls which encircle the town and in the 16th century castle with archaeological museum .
11 The contradiction between the two could be seen in the nationalist movements which paved the way for independence , in which there was a constant tension between the attempt to build a genuine nationalist movement and the tendency for support to be delivered on a tribal basis .
12 They then plotted the ratio of the number of neutrons seen in the two cases whose energies were consistent with that expected for neutrons produced by dd fusion .
13 An indicator of popular views of Party leaders can be seen in the wild rumours which circulated from time to time about prominent figures in the NSDAP .
14 Certainly this is envisaged in the procedural rules which allow a single justice or a justices ' clerk to grant repeat applications for interim orders where all parties consent and the terms of the order are unchanged ( FPCR , r28 ) .
15 Those coming into leadership are told in no uncertain terms what their task is to be .
16 These representatives corresponded regularly and sometimes very frequently with the governments for which they acted ; from the early sixteenth century onwards their despatches and reports , preserved in the official archives which were now beginning to be formed , are one of the most important sources of information available to the historian .
17 Many of our partners have a wholly different tradition of employment practice which is reflected in the separate arrangements which they have agreed , which will affect only their countries and for which only they will pay .
18 The exhibition again fully exploited the potential of the new Exhibition Hall , and this was reflected in the excellent reviews which it received , including one in The Times which described it as ‘ a show that proves books need not be boring ’ .
19 Digging into its collection of old photographs , mounted in the 5000 albums which constitute the Maciet archive , it has decided to elevate a selection of late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century topographical photographs to the level of art and exhibit them as ‘ Le Passé recomposé ’ .
20 It must , of course , include the details given in the written particulars which the employer is obliged to serve on the employee within 13 weeks of the start of his employment .
21 This hypothesis was examined in a anaesthetised rats whose stomachs were perfused with ethanol ( 25 or 50% in saline , wt/wt ) for 30 minutes .
22 Further evidence of human activity is to be found in the gentle hills which form the northern edge of the Scotscraig valley .
23 However , undoubtedly the most extraordinary aspect of this grumbling against the tendency of the working class to assert its noisome presence in places where it clearly had no right to go , was to be found in the magnified excitements which surrounded the bicycle craze of the 1890s .
24 On the contrary , none of the nations wanted war , and ‘ ever new progressive and democratic forces ’ had appeared in the capitalist countries which were strengthening the common struggle for peace .
25 Bao , a philosopher , alongside a number of other activists involved in the pro-democracy demonstrations which ended in the government crackdown in Tiananmen Square in June 1989 , had been sentenced in early 1991 [ see p. 37959 ] .
26 Unfortunately , the industrial skills of the area are learned in the very businesses which are most harshly hit by taxation .
27 They include the targets set out in the guidelines issued to project schools , more or less explicitly in the process of selecting schools , and of course , implicitly in the objectives specified in the successful proposals which schools made .
28 But the tendency was reversed in the 1986 elections which gave CCOO a clear majority of the votes ( see table 5.4 ) .
29 Five rounds of model rebuilding and refinement , during which the resolution was extended to 2.8Å , resulted in the current models which comprise a total of 2,796 non-hydrogen atoms .
30 ARCHAEOLOGISTS believe that priceless information about the past has been lost in the severe storms which battered Orkney earlier this year .
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