Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [modal v] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His decision and judgment , with his reasons for them , will be reported and will establish a precedent for future judgments in which similar circumstances arise .
2 They also stated that the monuments and war graves " dedicated to the victims of war and tyranny which have been erected on German soil will be respected and will enjoy the protection of German law " , and that in the united Germany " the free democratic basic order will be protected by the constitution …
3 The sunburn redness may not reveal itself until later in the day and by that time , the damage will be done and could ruin the rest of your stay .
4 The result was a considerable power struggle , where huge sums of money were spent to protect the many and various positions : the money was used primarily to produce conceptual frameworks for aspects of governmental accounting which would then be generally accepted and would provide the base for future standard-setting .
5 The writers , while condemning the failings of the old nobility , notably their decadence and degradation , thought that their way of life could be revitalised and could become the foundation of a civil life that stemmed the rising tide of democracy and , as they feared , mob rule .
6 Industry will have to pay for the licences they are granted and will have a duty to reduce pollution and render their discharges harmless .
7 If the taxpayer makes a potentially exempt transfer he pays no IHT when the gift is made and will pay no IHT at all with respect to the gifted property if he survives the gift by seven years ( and has not reserved a benefit in the gifted property ) ( IHTA 1984 , s3A(4) ) .
8 In this section we merely want to put forward briefly the three main ways in which social policy has made and can make a contribution to increased consumption , investment , employment and hence to economic growth .
9 A third of the course will be taught and will provide an overview of the ‘ new biology , ’ with the aim of improving the level of scientific appreciation in surgery .
10 The Bank identified that these studies were not completed and would advise the IBOA when they were completed .
11 I told the club those gates had rusted and would cause an injury , but would they bloody listen ? )
12 It can not be sold and will cost the company £500 to dispose of it if it is not used to produce Abrasive .
13 If you were disqualified and must pass the driving test again the two year period begins when you pass the test .
14 If it is consulted , the Regional Council will formulate a view on what is being proposed and will inform the District Council These views will be taken into account by the District Council in deciding the application .
15 Page identification : Every page should be numbered and should carry a continuation note at the base of each page and at the top of the next .
16 Failure to comply with these rules means that the credit agreement will be improperly executed and will require a court order to be enforced under s127 of CCA 1974 .
17 ‘ In the present case the act or omission of the defendant occurred while he was driving a motor car upon a public highway , and it was , we think , then reasonably foreseeable that such act or omission might cause injury to a pregnant woman in the car with which his car collided and might cause the child she was carrying to be born in an injured condition .
18 The Treasury also opposed contributory pensions , objecting to the cost of setting up the machinery to collect contributions , to keep the necessary records and to make payments , in addition to the cost of paying pensions to those who were already aged and could make no contribution .
19 The models used are well chosen for the remedies studied and could stimulate the development of further experiments along similar lines .
20 The apologies may be veiled and may take the form of a reversal of previous policies , but they nevertheless constitute the admission of how wrong the Government have been .
21 Nevertheless conditions in which limited but often intense urban nationalism would flourish were being created and would provide a catalyst of future revolution ; although for a long time fears that educated Vietnamese would rise up against their French masters were certainly not encouraged by the numbers of children in school .
22 We are currently considering how the benefits of fund holding can be extended and will make an announcement in the new year .
23 He hoped the position could be improved and would await a letter of explanation from the SAC with interest .
24 The extra energy of the unbroken symmetry state would then be released and would reheat the universe to a temperature just below the critical temperature for symmetry between the forces .
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