Example sentences of "[vb pp] will be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In this situation the issues to be addressed will be described in detail and discussed with the course leader .
2 The future may be seen narrowly in terms of what will happen to the children when they move out of this class , or this school , to the next stage ; but ultimately whether or not they have been properly educated will be judged in terms of what happens to them later , when they have left school .
3 The signal for the lights to be fused will be given by Wing Commander Sawyer here . ’
4 Everything collected will be taken to Kostroma by lorry in March and distributed among local schools .
5 But hopefully fewer mistakes will be made this season and the mistakes that are n't made will be turned into Championship points .
6 All payments made will be treated as earnings and will be assessed to primary and secondary class 1 contributions .
7 All efforts made will be doomed to failure for a number of reasons .
8 A small number of existing areas of policy where limited moves towards greater integration have already been made will be chosen as case-studies for detailed analysis .
9 25p from each item sold will be donated to Victim Support , GH Charity of the Year 1992
10 Walkers will visit every working men 's club in the area , and the money raised will be presented to Darlington Hospice representative Tony Morris at the club 's Grand Charity Concert a few days later .
11 The funds raised will be used by Mylex for working capital and to assist in the Company 's transition to more technologically-advanced computer systems products — further enhancements on its disk array controllers , servers and subsystems and further design on the company 's planned Pentium products .
12 Mr Newton also announced that the amount of savings elderly people may have before cold weather payments are reduced will be increased to £1,000 .
13 Everyone waiting to be involved will be seen before summer
14 5 Corps had made a consequential agreement with Yugoslav Fourth Army that " any formation wrongly surrendered will be returned to Tito " .
15 The new formula is very complicated , but is based on a notional income figure for each authority — the grant-related poundage ( GRP ) — which it is assumed will be raised by rates or community charge .
16 What is worse , the part of the fuel market to which I have referred will be closed to competition for no less than 15 years , because the only way to obtain the gas is to sign a binding 15-year contract .
17 A marketing survey was carried out in August and the information received will be fed into marketing courses .
18 Authors of the first 100 replies received will be invited as guests to the forum on 1 October at the Savoy , London .
19 Predation will be discussed in detail in Chapter 2 , and the modifications by which predators may be identified will be described in Chapter 3 .
20 Resolution 45/236 , unanimously adopted on Dec. 21 , noted " the improvement in the level of the short-term deficit of the organization , which it is estimated will be reduced to $260,000,000 as at Dec. 31 , 1990 " .
21 the design chosen will be used on stationery , lapel badges , divisional vehicles etc. , and will represent the concept of the state of the art plant .
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