Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [verb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There were even occasional suggestions that relations between states be eased and simplified by abandoning the whole idea of an order of precedence betwen sovereigns .
2 However , for a discount security with more than six months ( 182 days ) to maturity , the bond equivalent yield has to take into account the fact that the corresponding bond makes two coupon payments and that interest is earned by investing the first coupon .
3 the interest earned by reinvesting the first coupon payment at the rate rb for half a year , .
4 The larger mire , Thorne Waste , approached by surmounting the incongruous dereliction of Moor Ends Colliery , stretches out as far as the eye can see , an astonishing 6,000 acres of untamed wetland .
5 Now the usual type of detector only indicates the magnitude of the potential difference between B and D. Thus , if balance is approached by reducing the in-phase component of , there will be a range of phasor potential differences across the detector , say , to , that corresponds to magnitudes of potential differences indistinguishable from the minimum .
6 Instead they can occupy the left- and right-hand portions of a single 2n-bit register After a multiplier bit has been examined , it is dropped by shifting the partial product and multiplier together one position to the right .
7 That 's a sprinter 's example , but it 's the same for any athletic performance , as I 've just been reminded by watching the astonishing improvement of Ray Davidson in these past few years .
8 It seems that Hunter 's observations on thrombosis in veins were supplemented by noting the local effect of phlebotomy in the horse .
9 Single genes ( the units of heredity ) can now be transferred , added or deleted by manipulating the genetic material .
10 This obligation is often discharged by incorporating the required information ( see para 17.2.3 below ) in the press announcement of the firm intention to make the offer .
11 A possible late arrival at Aberystwyth on the west bound leg behind Standard 4 No 75069 was averted by repeating the previous week 's curtailed stop at Machynlleth .
12 The flunkey hesitated , then responded by answering the last question first — with a figure that was nearly four times larger than the largest sum I had thought I might try asking .
13 The government has responded by increasing the military presence in the area , while the " Mindanao Defenders " , an irregular civilian paramilitary force of a type common in the Philippines , is beginning to intimidate the protestors .
14 Libyan bombers responded by attacking the government-held town of Arada .
15 Spending on health services , which the old also use more than younger people , is forecast by multiplying the expected number of people in each age group by the average real spending for each group in 1980 .
16 A lot of the problems of alleged and actual extremism by local councils might , of course , be solved by changing the local voting system ( not necessarily the thin end of a nation wedge ) but Mrs Thatcher will never consider that .
17 Perhaps the problem could be solved by amending the Public Health Act 1936 on the lines of s.58(1) of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 in order to enable local authorities to act where a nuisance is likely to occur .
18 Where such an atmosphere of gloom persists it needs to be dispersed by affirming the Christian hope .
19 The attitude to foreign takeovers is now considered by studying the contested takeover for Rowntree .
20 Pressure for multiple units has been alleviated by making the 09.25 summer Saturday Birmingham to Pwllheli loco-hauled with a 31 providing the motive power .
21 Normalisation is done by taking the average rate of growth exhibited by the extra-area trading balances .
22 This can be done by comparing the relative frequency of use of different coding categories in the potential risks and description conditions .
23 This is done by making the appropriate entry on the form CT61 .
24 This can be done by making the new range of computers architecturally similar to earlier models , and by making improvements only in the technological implementation of this architecture ; alternatively we can use microprogrammed emulation , as discussed in 3.6 .
25 This can be done by tipping the leading edge up , so that water only flows over the lip when a reasonable quantity is being pumped .
26 This was done by regressing the natural logarithm of volatility on maturity ( M t ) , a weekend dummy ( D t ) and a proxy for the rate of information arrival .
27 Changing the Paper or Ink colours is done by pressing the required option on the menu until the word appears in the status window , then pressing the required colour .
28 Fine-tuning of the rpm level is done by pressing the top button ( rpm up ) or bottom button ( rpm down ) .
29 In Windows 3.1 this is done by opening the Main group , selecting Printers , then Connect .
30 They are selected by typing the corresponding integer and RETURN .
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