Example sentences of "[vb pp] to he [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Part II requested the Secretary-General to report to the next ( 46th ) session on the recommendations addressed to him by the Intergovernmental Expert Group to Study the Economic and Social Consequences of Illicit Traffic in Drugs convened under Resolution 44/142 of Dec. 15 , 1989 [ see p. 37434 ] .
2 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
3 His VC was presented to him in the Western Desert by Montgomery , and he returned to New Zealand in 1943 after active service in Greece , Crete and North Africa .
4 His artistic career began with a series of paintings based on the thirteenth-century sculpture of the elegant countess of Uta on the façade of Naumburg cathedral , a photograph of which had been lent to him by the young artist Vlady , but in the late fifties he turned his attention to Spanish art .
5 What was it she had said to him about the missing family silver ?
6 Tranchant , who had been co-owner with Tapie of an electronics firm , Nippon Audio Video System , alleged that Tapie had fraudulantly kept him ignorant of a payment of F13,000,000 which had been made to him by the Japanese company Toshiba when Toshiba bought the company in 1985 .
7 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
8 In 27 BC Octavian took the name Augustus , offered to him by the Roman Senate .
9 The toy , the squeaky duck or whatever , will be offered to him by the smiling child .
10 Pinkie laughed , spraying a little of the brandy which had been brought to him onto the laden air .
11 It was of no consequence ; Garland knew every step of the way and Mitch trotted ahead , pursuing an erratic course as he nosed out the rich odours brought to him on the moist air .
12 He knew the way vaguely from the journey the night before and the careful directions given to him by the Prior .
13 For he is suddenly , miraculously , aware that he has got a wonderful — no ! — a perfect alibi ; an alibi which has been given to him by the very person he has just killed .
14 ‘ I do n't think so , ’ he replied sullenly , unrolling his sleeves and going to the chair , where he collected the burgundy waistcoat given to him by the old man .
15 In 1875 a memorial was erected to him in the British Cemetery .
16 He repeated the other details about the shipment of cocaine , as relayed to him by the mysterious informant the previous night .
17 When Stephen returned the following day , the news was broken to him in the stable block by the groom who took his horse .
18 And because this technique will have been explained to him during the early part of the consultation , he will find it quite simple to do .
19 He accepted it when it was explained to him in the right way .
20 Their abstract certitudes seemed far removed to him from the inherent contradictions in human nature .
21 Has my right hon. Friend had a chance yet to read the excellent report submitted to him by the chief constable of Northumbria about the problem of constant reoffending on bail ?
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