Example sentences of "[vb pp] in her [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A murmur lifted in her throat like the sound of the wind blowing .
2 When she turned to question Lucenzo , her breath caught in her throat at the infinite tenderness in his eyes .
3 The breath caught in her throat at the sight of his broad chest with its thick mat of glistening golden hair .
4 When he did n't answer immediately she glanced up at him , and the breath caught in her throat at the look of barely controlled fury in his night-dark eyes .
5 So had her shout , caught in her throat by the stranger 's hands .
6 The ‘ drift into a law and order society ’ which Hall identifies did not by any means begin with the accession to power of the Conservative Party under Mrs Thatcher in 1979 , and its effects have hardly disappeared with her resignation in 1990 , but the ideology made its presence most felt in her heyday in the early to mid-1990s ( see Chapter 10 ) .
7 She walked up the path , her sensible shoes making a crunching sound on the gravel , and searched in her handbag for the key to the front door .
8 Sperm , which the female has collected in her mouth from the males ' vent , is then released onto the side of the aquarium and the eggs pushed on top of it .
9 The Merseyside musician acknowledged as one of today 's finest brass players had the instrument specially made in her honour by the Miraphone Company .
10 If she had been a religious person she would have put it down to retribution for her sins , but she had lost whatever faith she had had in her years as the Madam of Dublin 's most fashionable brothel .
11 The sounds mingled in her mind with the harsh cries of the birds as she waited for Sybil to pick up the phone again .
12 JONATHAN Probyn , whose estranged wife Tanya was found drowned in her car in the River Severn , was arrested yesterday .
13 He brought village news , too , titbits that Victorine indicated she had already gleaned in her trips to the shops .
14 This discursive pre-emption is reflected in her use of the future tense which pre-dicts the story it relates .
15 LABOUR MP Glenda Jackson was at the centre of a political row last night after it was discovered that forged proxy votes were used in her constituency during the General Election .
16 I would have loved to have stayed in her Boathouse despite the eight inch snail with head and horns buried in a roll of butter in the larder in the morning and his relatives ‘ who had a provoking way of paying nocturnal visits , and wandered between the wooden walls and the loosely fixed paper that decked the walls … ’ ; the family of mice and the ‘ sagacious hen ’ that laid her eggs in the corner of the hole in the wall designated as a cupboard .
17 But she could not help a resurgence of the queries raised in her mind at the hint of scandal in connection with his mother as she found herself in Mrs Alderley 's coach , being driven to Switham House .
18 Rachaela had given in her notice at the Pizza Eater and left just as the free balloons began to be given out and Christmas pudding appeared on the menu .
19 She walked into the make-up room , then stopped in her tracks at the sight of Marianne sitting in the chair before the mirror .
20 So she hurried downstairs to fix herself some breakfast — and almost stopped in her tracks at the sight of the figure who was seated at the kitchen table .
21 Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings , presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone .
22 counselling er , and it follows directly from what was said , erm , Judy has referred in her talk about the importance of communications with members , and I 'm delighted to note , that erm , the Health and Disability Group , is to have a meeting in January to look at a variety of issues including the health work of N C V O. This is the first meeting for I think , two years , and if it new era in communications , I for one am delighted .
23 He came closer still , and she backed away only to be halted in her tracks by the wooden fence behind her .
24 Dark glasses and make-up could n't hide the lines , and she sat with her face hidden in her hands in the back of the car .
25 She had only a squatter 's title to the land , but after her death this was legally registered in her name by the local authority , and it was sold so that they could recover the money which she owed them . "
26 Dr. Lynne Michelle , of Edinburgh , has highlighted in her studies on the perception of children of the promotion of cigarettes the grave danger , almost the entrapment of a younger generation by irresponsible elements in the industry and , sadly , the example set by other adults , including parents .
27 Police have been wanting to speak to Mr Ashworth since 35-year-old Denise 's body was found in her flat above the Lion Tavern , Moorfields , on Thursday .
28 Her body was found in her car in the River Severn 8 days ago ; 6 days after she was reported missing .
29 Mr Probyn is being questioned about the death of his wife , Tanya , who was 28 , and who 'd been missing for six days before her body was found in her car in the River Severn .
30 Sitting back on her seat , she relaxed as the engine started and the long , low open canal boat passed under the first of the very low bridges which spanned the narrow waterways , and tuned in her ear to the English commentary being given by the boat 's guide , mentally turning off when it was followed in French and German to engage in a desultory conversation with a fellow countryman who had chanced to take the place beside her , a pleasant young man attending his first seminar in Denmark .
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