Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [det] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Derek Ellwood , director of the pathogenic microbe research laboratory at the Centre for Applied Microbiology Research , Porton Down , Wiltshire , says that ‘ from the point of view of safety , a biotechnology factory should not be designed in the same ways as one making antibiotics ’ .
2 I tried to work out what my father would have done in the same circumstances and came to the conclusion that he would have taken what he so often called ‘ a bold step ’ .
3 The measurement across the page can be in whatever units you are happy with ; picas , millimetres , etc , but the vertical measurements should be done in the same units as your leading .
4 TXII , a RJ2.2.5 derivative which recovered ability to express MHC class II genes upon transfection with mouse genomic DNA ( 22 ) , was grown in the same conditions and the growth rate was measured for comparison : the doubling time of this transfectant was similar to that exhibited by Raji ( 24 hrs ) .
5 Given this set of circumstances , it could be that the new wave of information technology firms will never turn into a real breaker , but be seen in a few years as just a ripple on the pond .
6 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
7 Many related compounds were made in the same laboratories and were investigated in more or less detail according to the promise they showed .
8 The gastri pH profile produced by the meal was also measured in the same subjects and its total buffering capacity was measured in vitro by titration .
9 Soon , the early moving-pictures would be condemned in the same terms as ‘ a direct incentive to crime , demonstrating , for instance , how a theft could be perpetrated ’ .
10 Have Walsall always played in the same colours as long as you 've been supporting them ?
11 ‘ AMERICA Invention ’ , he calls it , and its consists of the names of the indigenous peoples of the Americas , from Alaska to the Tropic of Cancer , painted in the same colours as body paints on the parapet of the spiral .
12 Understandably Diana found it hard to concentrate on the cookery course she had enrolled in a few days before her father suffered his stroke .
13 It would not be unusual , however , to provide ( Clause 7.02 ) that new capital should be provided in the same proportions as the original contributions unless otherwise agreedwhich would at any rate provide the basis for subsequent negotiation when additional funding is found to be required .
14 But while in Rome ius honorarium was administered in the same courts as the ius civile , in England law and equity , until the judicature Act 1873 came into effect in 1875 , were administered in different courts .
15 They will be concentrated in the same industries and come on stream as the economy is beginning its recovery from the depression .
16 Furthermore the particular type of cellular bone found in the same deposits as Eriptychius suggests that cephalaspids ( osteostracans ) may be equally as old as heterostracans .
17 That is , they think it 's knitted in the same yarns and feels just the same as single -bed Fair Isle .
18 Well I think there is , there are n't many problem with the trained people because they 've been trained in the same areas as oneself and therefore understand what you 're on about .
19 He was still pretty , still was obliged to wear his hair in long curls and was attired in the same silks and satins but underneath all this there was a tougher character emerging .
20 But when the edge had dulled it was no problem and on the harder wood a burn mark could be left in a few seconds if very little pressure was applied with the cutter just spinning on the surface .
21 With one exception , the right of stoppage in transit is lost in the same circumstances as is the seller 's lien .
22 ( ALFRED , still in his queen 's costume , dies by poison : the PLAYER , with rapier , kills the " KING " and duels with a fourth TRAGEDIAN , inflicting and receiving a wound : the two remaining TRAGEDIANS , the two " SPIES " dressed in the same coats as ROS and GUIL , are stabbed , as before .
23 Vechey was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday .
24 Around the frames were hung walls of lath and plaster , with the upper storeys occasionally protected by hung tiles , and the roofs covered in the same materials or , in some cases , with Horsham Slate .
25 In the case of the job evaluation exercise this was achieved by producing a program whose function was to " translate " a proposed set of grade boundaries into consequences quoted in the same terms as those in which the management 's negotiating aims were couched : costs , grade changes , etc .
26 Divided into borghs , ‘ within' and ‘ without the wood ’ , it was described in the same details as Tangmere although pasture and wood crafts were more important .
27 In constructing the scheme we have assumed that the division of surplus-value between unproductive consumption and accumulation would be 50 per cent each ; and also that the unproductively consumed part would be divided in the same proportions as Marx used .
28 After two days which give them time to gain maximum strength they are taken back and released in the same areas as the eggs were collected .
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