Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [noun pl] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Such variables are too specific to industrial relations to be included in the flashpoints model of public disorder .
2 The great Croat writer , the late Miroslav Krleža , in his Ballade Petrice Kerempuha , written in the kajkavski dialect of the Zagreb region , was one of many who drew inspiration from the terrible events of 1573 .
3 This is a highly dangerous area to sail in because the seas contain many monstrous creatures which were stirred up by the collapse of northern Ulthuan centuries ago — Kraken , huge shark-like megalodons , Behemoths and even the dread Black Leviathan are all commonly seen in the waters north of Ulthuan .
4 Tom Jones and Duff argued for resignation , and Lady Astor helped to sway Dawson to the same line , which was duly reflected in The Times leader of Monday morning .
5 Details about the relaxed entrance requirements for candidates aged 21 or over are given in the admissions section of the prospectus but all such candidates should contact the faculty at an early date to obtain information about the subjects and grades they require to achieve for entry .
6 He said the number of emergency calls received in the Dales area of County Durham rarely exceeded one or two .
7 After quickly dispatching such topical issues as the accounting treatment for war damage contributions and claims , it proceeded to issue a series of accounting recommendations , many of which were subsequently enacted in the Companies Act of 1948 .
8 Before he joined NCPR Lorton had worked in the personnel department of a firm which marketed burglar alarms .
9 He knew there had been fighting about Charleroi , and he had heard of some skirmishes being fought in the villages south of the Prince of Orange 's headquarters , but whether the French had invaded in force , or whether there was an attack coming in the direction of Mons , the Duke still did not know .
10 This should have resulted in an ex-rights price of and therefore a value for each right of 227p - 190p=37p .
11 Lost in the malai chain of command , shuffled round from captor to captor , I would not have given a great deal for my chances .
12 At this time Miller was acting in an advisory capacity , as recorded in the Memoranda Book of John , Fourth Duke of Bedford ( Woburn Mss HMC 62 , extract above ) : ‘ March 13 1740/1 agreed with Mr. Miller to pay him Twenty Guineas a year for inspecting my Gardens hot houses , pruning the trees , etc. and to come to Woburn at least twice a year and oftner if wanted , to be paid at Lady Day yearly . ’
13 In the case of companies , their objects are described in the objects clause of the memorandum of association .
14 When it was built it was described in the letters pages of the Daily Telegraph as ’ a monsterous erection , ’ but the people of Faringdon would n't be without their folly now .
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