Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 A continuous purge was pursued in order to rid the NKLP of those lacking genuine commitment .
2 This is exactly what Thamesdown media Arts have done in order to create the SWINDON DIARIES .
3 What could be done in future to tame the Tay ?
4 The £15,000 was advanced in order to enable the Hammonds to complete a purchase from Mr. Steed at a price of £24,500 .
5 My officials are , with others , exploring these matters but there is no possibility of these deliberations being concluded in time to meet the EC 's deadline of July 1993 for member states to submit their agri-environmental proposals under Regulation 2078/92 .
6 These must be removed in order to fit the RapidCad chips .
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