Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [pron] [noun sg] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Piaroa recognize marriage exchange as an exceedingly dangerous principle to act upon , a lesson they receive from the events of the mythic past which was a time when each marriage alliance between strangers carried in its wake a deadly competition for the poisonous cultural capabilities of predation .
2 Once , like many Londoners , Alice had carried in her head a basic tube map , at least of inner London , but she had forgotten it .
3 The general implications of this view of life are explained and elaborated in my book The Extended Phenotype , and I sha n't repeat the arguments here .
4 For a man so rooted in his domesticity the nomadic life of the Official War Artist was a gamble .
5 Einstein has traced in his work the conservative influences of Ingegneri , a melodious master of Palestrinian polyphony , and Andrea Gabrieli , who excelled in the lighter types of madrigal and villanella , the Venetian gregesche and giustiniane .
6 ( One massive tome , purporting to change our ideas of the Universe , listed in its bibliography a single work on astronomy — a children s book . )
7 These methods of securing freedom of speech may have been effective , but they are happily unusual in England and constituted in our opinion a deplorable outrage of public order .
8 The King moved to defuse the crisis on April 6 by dismissing Shrestha , and appointed in his place a former Prime Minister , Lokendra Bahadur Chand , with a specific brief to open negotiations with the MRD .
9 The protests continued and in early April , in an effort to contain the mounting unrest , King Birendra dismissed the Prime Minister , Marich Man Singh Shrestha , and appointed in his place the moderate Lokendra Bahadur Chand .
10 Matheson 's advocacy of free trade was embodied in his booklet The Present Position and Prospects of British Trade with China ( 1836 ) .
11 Although Hamilton Oil 's exploration rig Sonat Arcade Frontier departed from the area off Bardsey shortly after Christmas , it has left in its wake a substantial lobby of conservationists , environmental activists and supporters which views the prospect of large scale industrial development as posing a serious threat , particularly to protected species such as the bottle-nose dolphin and other marine and bird life .
12 Conversation on the topic gave Flaubert a colique des wagons ; in June 1843 he pronounced the railways to be the third most boring subject imaginable after Mme Lafarge ( an arsenic poisoner ) and the death of the Duc d'Orleans ( killed in his carriage the previous year ) .
13 Siward , the man who had planned in his turn a fair dominion for himself and his offspring , and had seen his son die in the land of his rival .
14 Jessie Young fired my imagination with her tales of warfare , politics and terror at Berwick , and fanned in my heart the first flames of a lifelong fascination with Scotland 's history .
15 The numbers attending the workshop were small but the workshop covered in its membership a good cross-section of the community , from people with trade union experience to others working on housing , disability and community economic development .
16 Once in power , the armed forces immediately abolished all state institutions and established in their place the non-military State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) and a Cabinet , most of whose members were also SLORC members , both of which were headed by Saw Maung .
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