Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [art] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The changes in the system were disclosed in a letter to employees of National Power , one of the two big generating companies being created in the sell-off , from its chairman , Lord Marshall .
2 Citicorp Scrimgeour Vickers , for example , is licensed for stockbroking , trading and underwriting : most of its profits ( 200m won in the year to March ) came from buying bonds .
3 Back to Alice , then to Mary and eventually , indeed , to Exeter , where Killigrew was to be wed in the Cathedral to Amelia , daughter of Sir Richard Humpherson .
4 SCOTTISH supermarket group William Low saw profits squeezed in the year to September .
5 ideas for matters which might be included in an announcement to employees ; and
6 The sacking demand by conservationists was contained in a letter to Dr Mustapha Tolba , the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme , which is the supervising body for CITES .
7 had to perform them , it had a remedy over and against its assignee by an express covenant for indemnity contained in the assignment to Mr. Mahmoud in 1986 .
8 My consideration of difference originated in a turn to history in order to repudiate one such theory — specifically , that which construed homosexuality as an embrace of the same because of a fear of the different .
9 The modification we have done in the past to vehicles ( particularly in windy areas ) is to screw to the door edge and footwell a strip of seat belt webbing which , when taught , stops the door touching the door post .
10 For Hardy , who had written in a letter to Thomas Macquoid , ‘ I am glad you like Tess — though I have not been able to put on paper all that she is , or was , to me ’ , it was ‘ the beginning of the end of his career as a novelist ’ .
11 They can be seen in the importance to conservatives of the notion of authority , a notion which in liberal thought is presented less positively and often as a potential threat to liberty .
12 The general remarks on effective display made in the appendix to chapter 7 are important to recall when plotting , and some further remarks on this subject will be made in the next chapter .
13 The writer of this extract may have felt that she or he was paraphrasing rather than plagiarising , and might point to the reference made in the extract to Leech and Short as evidence that she or he was not being dishonest .
14 Urueu-Wau-Wau indian leaders have said in a statement to Survival International that they can no longer tolerate the invasion of miners and loggers on to their land .
15 I must correct one statement attributed in the article to Mr Wyman .
16 The traditional liberal interpretation is rooted in an approach to history fundamentally at odds with that of Soviet historiography .
17 He then opened discussions with Universal , a company in which he had taken a 25 per cent stake back in 1935 , whereby Rank 's smaller films would be packaged with the pictures of an independent US production company , and sold in a block to exhibitors .
18 That Elizabeth needed careful handling is shown in a letter to Burghley from Henry Savile , who wanted Burghley 's help in a suit because his commendation , coming in cold blood and sober judgement , would weigh more heavily with the Queen than ‘ all the affectionate speech ’ of the Earl of Essex .
19 The scattering geometry is schematically shown in the inset to Fig. 1 a in which the vectors α and β represent the atom positions in a surface , and R is the vector from the origin to a detector .
20 Rubin 's In-house use of materials in public libraries found that if in-house use was measured by counting items left on library tables , the average ratio of items used in the library to items circulated was 0.5 to 1 , while patron interviews on the same theme suggested a ratio of 1 to 1 .
21 The headteacher 's concern may well be focussed on percentage turn out , a figure that can be used in the report to governors to indicate the strength of parental interest and support .
22 Nevertheless , the Department of Health 's policy , as reiterated in a letter to Newcastle Health Authority in 1992 by Stephen Dorrell , states ‘ Health authorities do , however , have — and will continue to have — a responsibility to provide or secure long term care for those people who need it by reason of the predominance of their continuing ill health . ’
23 The Anti-Corn Law League may have helped to secure Whig support but what Peel himself called in a letter to Cobden his " 'sense of public duty " was more influential . "
24 It was noted in the introduction to Chapter 21 that , if planning represented the route map for the journey , then organizing represented the means by which one could arrive at the chosen destination .
25 This fact is fully recognised in the introduction to chapter 5 of Bowstead on Agency , pp. 137–138 : the rest of the chapter , including the proposition on which the judge relied , is dealing with the duties which will arise from the terms normally found in a contract of agency .
26 An example of the difficulties associated with the analysis of informal power — the political dimension to behaviour — in the case of women is given in a footnote to Katz and Lazarsfeld 's study of Personal Influence :
27 Some general suggestions about how to present numerical material clearly , about labelling , definitions and so on , were given in the appendix to chapter 7 .
28 However , much attention has been given in the literature to inversion of triangular matrices by methods other than back-substitution , particularly iterative methods .
29 Details of wounding are given in the legend to Table 1 .
30 Six years later he transferred to the Alma where he was so heavily into Methodism that he led those that had congregated in the bar to church .
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