Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Judge Geoffrey Rivlin QC , sitting at Southwark Crown Court , said the case had disclosed a disturbing picture of the use of ‘ a wide range of dangerous drugs ’ by customers at Darby 's parties .
2 National assertiveness reached the largest and most important of the Soviet Union 's republics , the Russian , in May 1990 , following the elections to the republican Congress of People 's Deputies in which radical candidates had won a substantial proportion of the vote ( see above , p. 59 ) .
3 John Prescot has won a key post in the new shadow cabinet , moving from transport to employment .
4 On June 11 the Central Electoral Board announced that the incumbent President , Joaquín Balaguer , had won a narrow victory in the May 16 presidential election [ see p. 37448 ] .
5 Edinburgh 's Douglas Watson , who has already won a major award in the US for his three dimensional illustration work has created his study from a clay panel .
6 THE West Somerset Railway have won a major prize in the Ratcliff Mobility Awards .
7 ‘ Celtic have not won a major trophy for a while and have lost out to rivals Rangers .
8 The largest of the groups , the Lombard League , which had won a small percentage in the 1989 European Parliament elections as the Lombardy Regional Party [ see p. 36876 ] , took 19 per cent of the vote in Lombardy and became the second largest party in the region , while separate local leagues in Veneto and Piedmont won between 5 and 7 per cent of the vote each .
9 In all but one of the elections since 1945 , one party has won a absolute majority of the seats and the leader of that party has formed a government .
10 The arrest was widely seen as the response of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamed to the PBS 's defection from the ruling coalition before the October 1990 elections [ see pp. 37780-81 ] ; the PBS had won a comfortable majority in the Sabah Assembly [ see p. 37612 ] .
11 Although ZANU-PF had won a comfortable victory in the March general election , voter turnout had been low ; the forcing of the one-party issue had led to strains within the party .
12 The platform had won a comfortable victory in the afternoon 's debate on policy .
13 The CDU parliamentary group had accused Gies ( who had headed the CDU list but had not won a direct seat in the October 1990 Landtag election ) of obliging three other CDU delegates to resign after that election by alleging that they had worked for the former East German " Stasi " security police .
14 Oracle UK Ltd has won a 16-year contract with the British Army valued at £4m which will standardise all of the Army 's IT projects around the Oracle database .
15 As somebody who is still under thirty and er like my good friend Mister young enough to have a positive approach to Europe , I am pleasantly surprised that the people opposite are gon na make my job a lot easier because the narrowness and the anti-diluvian attitudes that we see on the benches opposite explain why , in the last Euro elections , the Labour Party won a resounding victory on the issue of Europe .
16 Further indications that vegetables had won a respected place in the English diet can be found in Hannah Glasse 's delightful The Art of Cookery made Plain and Easy , published in 1747 .
17 A REAL ale pub has won a unique award from a hardy band of travelling Plymouth Argyle supporters .
18 But that does not mean he has yet won a conclusive victory in the debilitating war between president and parliament .
19 More than three months after it had won a parliamentary majority in a multiparty general election , the Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP — the renamed Bulgarian Communist Party ) finally abandoned in September its efforts to build a grand coalition government including the main opposition Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) .
20 With the help of a similar system , the right-wing Union for France has just won a sweeping majority in a French general election .
21 Jess was the liveliest player on the park and after he had won a free kick on the edge of the penalty box , the Aberdeen forward came close with a header from Nevin 's cross .
22 Begin won a slim victory in the Knesset for his foreign and defence policy , though having to concede an inquiry into the Beirut massacres .
23 One of the region 's independent radio stations has won a top award at the radio Oscars .
24 A SPORTS car which does n't go on sale in Britain until next year has won a top award at the British International Motor Show .
25 Imports of computer equipment manufactured in the European Community are subject to lower rates of duty , but have not won a significant share of the local market .
26 On Wilcock 's suggestion the Voice had approached a distinguished critic with the New York Times Book Review , Gilbert Seldes .
27 In either case , an unauthorised practitioner will have committed a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act , and pleading that he did it only once or that it happened by accident is not going to impress anyone .
28 De Bloos commenced proceedings against Bouyer in Tournai in Belgium claiming , on the ground that Bouyer had committed a unilateral breach of the contract , an order for the dissolution of the agreement and damages .
29 It might , therefore , be open to a court to find liability where a defendant committed a statutory offence as the vehicle for the deliberate infliction of harm upon the plaintiff .
30 This was a comparatively short distance and in the circumstances of the case , the EAT concluded that the employer had not committed a fundamental breach of the contract .
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