Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [vb past] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was a bit of head-scratching as they pushed , squeezed and levered me into the passenger seat : ‘ The biggest bloke yet ’ .
2 A sudden flurry of shots rang out from the direction of the cainca , confirming the older man 's prediction , and without further argument the two boys turned and followed him into the jungle at a run .
3 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
4 But it was not until I was at Cambridge , in the following year , that my mother noticed and took me to the family doctor .
5 He considered him as he caused coffee to be produced and established them at the big table at the other end of his room .
6 He looked surprised at her request for a word in private , but readily agreed and led her across the hotel reception hall , out through a door at the rear of the building and into the garden .
7 There was not a needy person among them , for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them , and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles ’ feet ; and distribution was made to each as any had need' ( Acts 4:32 , 34–5 ) .
8 But she did not answer him , only bent and lowered herself into the water , hissing as the coldness burned into the wound , a faint moan escaping through her gritted teeth as she began to wash .
9 She let the stranger touch her for a minute , and then the woman bent and kissed her on the cheek .
10 He declined to make a decision on whether persons responsible for the shooting should be prosecuted and forwarded it to the Attorney General for the United Kingdom .
11 The feeling of numb unreality persisted and anaesthetised me through the arduous business of identifying the body and making the necessary arrangements .
12 ‘ The Protection Police arrived and took him off the Otso .
13 Then , when he sought to take the oath , the House itself refused and excluded him on the dubious ground that , being an atheist , he could not swear .
14 The cabby refused and grabbed him by the arm , at which point the robber pulled free and ran off .
15 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
16 In their remarkable study , Stallybrass and White argue that ‘ the bourgeois subject continuously defined and re-defined itself through the exclusion of what it marked out as ‘ low' ’ — as dirty , repulsive , noisy , contaminating .
17 Her concern that the sisters living a life of contemplative discipline should in one respect be totally unrestricted — in their access to , and possession of , books — and the fact that , evidently , the brothers of the order both encouraged and instructed them in the knowledge of theological traditions , illuminates , and is symptomatic of , the problems faced by women who wished to live out their faith and give an articulate account of their experience .
18 Her hair had been re-styled and had nothing of the incompetent dye job that had once been her most eyecatching feature .
19 De Gaulle was perceived and perceived himself as the incarnation of both revolution and restoration .
20 He and Fonda retired to their trailer , smoked some marijuana and then came out and told the crowd of local youths that they should imagine that the two of them had just arrived in town , and , on the way , they had picked up a local girl of fifteen , and raped and left her in the bushes .
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