Example sentences of "[vb past] him [prep] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But Garvey , 40 , has brought a private prosecution against Carr , 33 , alleging Carr assaulted him in the same incident in Middlesbrough Town Hall in October .
2 ‘ I heard that , ’ she told him in the same language .
3 If I contacted him on the same number that I contacted you
4 BARRY WILSON turned in a star performance as Stantondale increased their lead at the top of the second division last week - and afterwards his managers furnished him with the same compliment : ‘ He 's class . ’
5 The conclusion that there was not going to be any hit him at the same time as Rincewind , whirring wildly down the passage , kicked him sharply in the groin .
6 Alison met him in the same bar .
7 I taunted him with the same lie Ursula used .
8 They saw him at the same time as he realised he had n't understood what the man had said .
9 That many of his clients saw him in the former category is suggested by the fact that they frequently passed to him details of their restless and unsuitable executives in the hope that he would redeploy them .
10 Did you know that Queen Victoria put him in the same class as Landseer ?
11 On Dec. 4 Kaunda dismissed his Defence Minister , Lt. Gen. Hannaniah Lungu and replaced him with the former Deputy Defence Minister , Dodson Siatalimi .
12 Our self-appointed mentor , the Old Stager , tackled him in the same vein , although with a shade more directness : ‘ Why do n't yer niver get no runs ? ’ he asked , by way of leading up to the subject .
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