Example sentences of "[vb past] her [noun sg] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She did not believe that she could bring Scathach back to life , but he could at least be with her in the fortress as she made her journey into the first forest , as she went in search of whatever it was that had ensnared Harry , made him a prisoner in Old Forbidden Place .
2 With a regretful sigh she closed the window again and made her way into the luxurious en suite bathroom and stripped off the shirt before turning on the shower .
3 The old lady dug her spoon into the iced concoction , took a mouthful of it , rolled it round her mouth , swallowed it and said , ‘ Mm ! nice . ’
4 " Let me , let me , I 'm the littlest , " Lally was lying on the grass beside him when Andrew dragged his head out of the culvert ; like a small dark eel she wriggled her way into the watery hole .
5 The FBI shovelled her husband into the waiting car but Barbara sat firm .
6 A quick bath and bed , she promised herself , sighing , as she stuck her key into the front door lock .
7 Its success precipitated her acceptance into the radical circle surrounding the publisher Joseph Johnson [ q.v. ] , which included William Blake , Thomas Paine , and William Godwin [ qq.v . ] .
8 She took her coffee into the other room and Alain stayed .
9 She put her head into the next room , an untidy and empty bathroom which looked as though the washbasin had not been cleaned for months .
10 The patronesses of Almack 's , Lady Castlereagh , Lady Jersey , Lady Cowper , Lady Sefton , Mrs Drummond Burrell , Princess Esterhazy and the Countess Lieven , accepted her entry into the holy of holies without question .
11 Lifting it , she peered down into the blackness below , feeling the first rung of a rickety ladder as she dangled her foot into the yawning gap .
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