Example sentences of "[vb past] been [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In all the time that he 'd been living out on the Step Pete had seen only one stranger go by , and that was a hiker who 'd stopped to ask the way because he 'd been lost .
2 He 'd been pottering around in the big old half-ruined sheds on the other side of the quarry , one day back in the summer .
3 She 'd been going on about the outings , never getting away , had n't she ?
4 Course I di I did n't get to know much else but it was obvious you see , she 'd been going out with a young man , her husband was in the Forces and er she 'd tried to get rid of it .
5 Also there were the people who 'd been coming in to the shop when it was still Let It Rock .
6 And Ben like when we were sort of there Ben sort of we 'd been sitting around for a while and he said it 's very embarrassing to have to ask this but you 're staying the night and stuff erm are you two a couple or are you just friends so no , just friends but it 's alright , if you do n't have any spare rooms we 'll be perfectly happy to sleep together , do n't worry .
7 ‘ I 'd say you 'd been sitting out in the sun too long . ’
8 Then he 'd been walking back to The Randolph when he suddenly felt he just could n't face his excessively sympathetic countrymen , and he 'd called in a pub and drunk a couple of pints of lager .
9 The only way this impinged on the message Macmillan had been taking up to the generals in the front-line was that they might now have to prepare even more urgently for military operations to reinforce allied policy .
10 I tried all the channels from 1 to 40 in case the hijackers had been messing about with the rig in the truck , but still got nothing .
11 I put the phone down , wondering how many people had been listening in on the extensions , and went back into my room .
12 The deputy was a Socialist , he had been speaking out against the old work conditions that were being reimposed .
13 He had been pointing out of the window and asking me if I liked the weather or the colour of the cows .
14 At the time I honestly never gave a thought to why Billy Tuckett had been poncing around on the roof in the wee small hours or why he 'd chosen Sunil 's bathroom to fall through .
15 If gaunt-face had been looking up at the Clubroom windows in the hope of seeing Filmer — or of Filmer seeing him — maybe Filmer would come down to talk to him and maybe I could photograph them both together , which might one day prove useful .
16 Rogers had been looking out of a window .
17 The twins , David and Michael , had been prowling about in the front garden waiting for the sight of Belinda 's car , and as soon as she stepped out into the driveway and came up the path to the house they raced ahead of her inside to relay the news of her arrival , without even saying hello to her .
18 He had a really nice family — he had a very good relationship with his wife — he was very bright , he enjoyed life , he read a lot , he had been teaching up until a month before hospitalization , and he had the will to live …
19 Seeing Anthea each day would be a constant reminder , and neither woman could deny that the masks of civility each had been holding up to the other for months were now trampled underfoot .
20 But he found that the job that awaited him there was several rungs lower than the job he had been holding down in the UK .
21 In their defence the party leadership could argue that they had been hampered by the lack of a parliamentary majority ; the choice had been hanging on by the skin of one 's teeth or of giving up and holding an election in the face of adverse opinion polls .
22 Jessica had been getting out of the house for a while since just after the youngest of the boys had begun at school .
23 Fortunately , some experience had been building up on the European continent , in Holland in particular , with DMUs which had very reliable and cost-effective engines and transmissions .
24 The two of them had been at daggers drawn ever since 1183 , and in recent months , as incident followed incident , tension had been building up to a new peak .
25 With the tent flap closed , the heat had been building up under the canvas .
26 Towards the end of the 19th century , a crisis had been building up over the names of organic compounds .
27 While his loving note helped to sooth her misgivings , it was difficult to control the inner turmoil which had been building up over the months .
28 These were Wilson and Castle 's response to the ‘ unofficial strike problem ’ which had been building up over the '60s but had acquired particular prominence in 1968 with the publication of the Donovan Commission 's report .
29 For Alfred Watkins , it was not a sudden flash of inspiration from the beyond but something which had been building up within the deeper levels of his being throughout a lifetime of contact with his native countryside .
30 Pressures for change had been building up within the legislature for some time and these were to be given added impetus by the events surrounding the resignation of President Nixon .
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