Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] up by the " in BNC.

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1 Hundreds of secret programs that had been built up by the CIA over the years , including data sensitive enough to topple the heads of half a dozen European governments if they were ever to fall into the wrong hands .
2 ‘ If this issue had been built up by the NFU and sufficient Tory MPs had rebelled we could have reversed the cuts but there seemed to be little fight from Edinburgh .
3 Television coverage had been scooped up by the BBC , who had realised the dramatic possibilities of the occasion .
4 The Campbells ' rooms had been given up by the officers of the household for the visitors .
5 They trudged on , breathing the dust of the dry summer road that had been shuffled up by the boots ahead , and they wondered if there would be an issue of rum before the fighting began , or whether they would be too late for the fighting and would instead be billeted in some soft Belgian village where the girls would flirt and the food would be plentiful .
6 These had been broken up by the owls , and a collection of 1128 bones representing 27 individuals was compared with the bone numbers from intact pellets at the same nest site .
7 She had no way of knowing that her friend had been picked up by the Communist Maquis with whom she was now living .
8 There would have been an enormous panic when they realised that the Irish girl had been picked up by the Bonnards .
9 ‘ Would it be too suspicious-sounding to ask where we 're going ? ’ she enquired huskily , after a few miles had been gobbled up by the powerful car .
10 She had n't realised how quickly the stock had been gobbled up by the hungry flames .
11 And she could have sworn that , after the first second or two , he had been caught up by the same strong feeling .
12 Sir Christopher designed most of the buildings himself , but left the design of ‘ The Castle , to the terrifically fashionable architect John Carr of York , who had been taken up by the Yorkshire gentry after his triumph with the design for the grandstand on the racecourse at Knavesmire .
13 Within seconds , the sing-song chant had been taken up by the vast majority .
14 DET expenditure on black education has certainly risen very significantly during the 1980s , with per capita expenditure for all educational levels rising from 176 rand per pupil ( 1988 rand ) in 1980/81 to 595 rand in 1987/88 , though much of this increase had been taken up by the rising bill for teachers ' salaries .
15 Of £50 million that the government then made available to encourage mining companies , only about £10 million had been taken up by the middle of last year ( see above ) .
16 A Pensioners ’ National Appeal had been taken up by the Daily Dispatch in 1938 and Ritchie Calder 's articles in the Daily Herald , ‘ Life on 10/ a Week ’ , provided a further boost for the 1939 agitation with their Orwellian revelations .
17 The most detailed of these came from Wilshere , who said that most of the time had been taken up by the medical evidence — summarised with a wealth of detail ( which will not be repeated here ) .
18 The co-ordinator , Thijs Kuiken , said that the inadequacy of present knowledge had been shown up by the 1989 viral epidemic which killed thousands of seals .
19 The adoption of land reform had been held up by the opposition of recalcitrant landlords .
20 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
21 Last week , in a stormy session , the European Parliament threw out a voluntary code proposed by officials at the European Commission , which had been drawn up by the baby-food companies themselves .
22 Further proposals for defence cuts had been drawn up by the armed forces in November 1989 on Cheney 's orders , in an effort to save some $180,000 million in the period to 1994 .
23 On March 1 King Bhumibol Adulyadej formally approved a new interim Constitution which had been drawn up by the NPKC .
24 The elections were to a 360-member House of Representatives as stipulated under the Constitution which had been drawn up by the military and promulgated in December 1991 [ see p. 38681 ] .
25 The disclosure letter had been drawn up by the defendant on this belief and by its actions the plaintiff was estopped from complaining that the fact should have been included in the disclosure letter .
26 I think that is an absolute fantasy and I think that it is er perhaps going too far in our denigration of members of local authorities to think their attitude towards their police force would be in any way changed , were some of the members to be appointed from a list which had been drawn up by the Home Secretary .
27 Monica rang lawyers at the Vicariate of Solidarity , which had been set up by the Catholic Church in 1975 and was by now Chile 's leading human rights organization .
28 It was just like Ireland to have a disastrous afternoon against Wales when we had been set up by the bookies as firm favourites .
29 GLEB had been set up by the GLC in 1983 to provide venture capital to start up enterprises and provide jobs in the London area .
30 A ZANLA terrorist had risen out of the bushes with a Kalashnikov while Mike had been involved in an ambush on the Limpopo river which had been set up by the Selous Scouts , the counterinsurgency tracking teams of the Rhodesian army .
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