Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] with the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The radios of the 1940s being comparatively delicate valve affairs prone to water damage , radio contact had been lost with the forward Troops , so the Colonel walked boldly down the road to see the position for himself .
2 A total of 41 parties and coalitions had been registered with the Central Electoral Commission ( CEC ) by Sept. 13 .
3 A mystery surrounded his death which was assiduously played up by the media in suggesting every kind of melodramatic possibility , the favourite being that poor Hugh Gaitskell had been stabbed with the sharp ferrule of an umbrella , the end of which had been treated with some poisonous concoction .
4 She supplemented the once-weekly group sessions by finishing activities begun in the session with her class and she sometimes initiated a task for the whole class to do to reinforce what had been done with the advisory teacher .
5 The problem with the mixtures is that they have never been proved in the classical homoeopathic way , as had been done with the original remedies .
6 The maternal bond had been cut with the umbilical cord — at birth .
7 He had been charged with the attempted murder of John Pearson , a Downs Syndrome child .
8 Another suggestion was that the electrolysis caused the liquid level to drop as more of the liquid turned into gas ; this exposed the top of the palladium above the liquid surface and gas began to leak out , releasing in a rush the considerable energy that had been stored with the trapped deuterium , sending the temperature up above the melting point ( 1554 degrees Celsius ) or even boiling at 3000 degrees .
9 In spite of this handful of ‘ collaborators ’ , it was nevertheless inevitable that the majority of those serving in the Imperial household should be drawn from among the families which had been connected with the First Empire .
10 Although the worst had almost happened , namely he had been threatened with the same fate as Jesus , he did not falter from the task of planting the church in Jerusalem and then in regions beyond .
11 ‘ On July 12 Lord Young confirmed that tax agreements had been made with the Inland Revenue , and there had been an exchange of letters ‘ on terms satisfactory to BAe ’ . ’
12 The Abbey Mill had been replaced with The Old Mill House ( number 2 in Millers Green ) in the late 18th century , an original millstone apparently surviving in the cellar to this day .
13 The Class 47 locomotive Society was formed in July 1983 and during 1988 the 47401 project had been formulated with the specific aim of preserving D1500 .
14 THE first serious prospect of a cure for Aids , rather than a treatment which delays its effects , has emerged when no trace of the Aids virus was found during the post mortem on a patient who had been treated with the standard AZT drug and a bone marrow transplant .
15 She had been treated with the utmost stupidity .
16 Riots were increasing over the capital , and communications had been broken with the other two major cities of Nicaea .
17 We had a horse who had been broken with the wrong sized bit when his teeth needed attention and under a saddle with a broken tree which rubbed his back .
18 ‘ We … heard that the child had been kidnaped with the full collusion of the hospital staff , ’ Bridges said blandly .
19 In its first official comment on Aug. 20 Iraq denounced Western plans for an aerial exclusion zone as an " imperialist conspiracy " aimed at dismembering the country , and claimed that the scheme had been devised with the active co-operation of Iran [ see also below ] .
20 However , Foreign Relations Minister Isidoro Malmierca Peoli , speaking in the Spanish capital Madrid on Dec. 28 , stated that an agreement had been reached with the Russian Federation " during the last few days " on the exchange of sugar for oil .
21 On the Unionist side men who had been fed with the heady talk of absolute resistance mobilized to resist what they now saw as the sell-out of the Southern Irish Unionists .
22 On June 7 the government announced that a letter of intent had been signed with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , clearing the way for talks about loans worth US$103,000,000 over the next two years .
23 Mrs Thatcher 's last-minute play for the collection was in 1988 , but by that time it was too late : a contract had been signed with the Spanish government ( see interview with Baron Thyssen , p.6 ) , committing the collection to a ten-year loan in Madrid .
24 Leon Trotsky protested with his dying breath that he had been shot , not stabbed , even though Stalin 's killer had been caught with the ice-pick still in his hand .
25 SAVE objected to the scheme and cited examples where tithe barns , ‘ the cathedrals of farm architecture ’ , had been vested with the National Trust or other preservation trusts .
26 Shortly after supper the poor Doctor had been seized with the tell-tale purging and vomiting .
27 Lucille diverted the old lady by showing her the supper room which , like the ballroom , had been draped with the Belgian colours of black , gold and scarlet .
28 Both had been associated with the exiled ‘ government ’ based at Chungking from 1938 to 1945 .
29 Great Britain had been associated with the stabilizing system by a skilful use of her Mediterranean fears , although Bismarck failed to turn association into alliance in 1889 .
30 Although the March general election failed to produce an outright winner , it ended the political chaos which had been associated with the final months of Blaize 's administration .
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