Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [adv prt] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 What had occurred was precisely the sort of ‘ semi-hysterical outburst of militancy ’ which McCann had criticised , and far from exposing and isolating the Nationalists , an informal united front had been struck up and the politicians were being allowed to clamber onto the DHAC 's bandwagon .
2 The Court had no knowledge of the case stated that had been struck out and the Crown 's case stated had duly proceeded .
3 The buttons had been ripped off and the pockets torn open , but it kept me warm .
4 Mr Rampton said the text showed that ‘ subterfuge ’ had been crossed out and the word ‘ silence ’ substituted .
5 The front door and the vestibule door had been blown off and the heavy mahogany coat stand lay across the foot of the stairs .
6 Redpath had been called in because the body on the mud had been reported by P.C. Clifford from a land-based patrol car , but whether it was properly a land or a river matter was a moot point .
7 Patrick had been called in when the man had threatened his team with a baseball bat .
8 The two sides agreed to resume border trade which had been cut off since the 1962 Sino-Indian war [ see p. 38006 ] , and joint working groups on the border issue met in New Delhi in August 1990 and in Beijing in May 1991 .
9 The reporter to Strathclyde 's children 's panel had appealed the decision and giving yesterday 's judgment , Lord Murray , sitting with Lords Osborne and Wylie , said it had been pointed out that the sheriff had excluded any question of reasonable chastisement in this case .
10 All pretence that the paper ever belonged to MacQuillan personally had been given up and the title transferred to a newly formed company within the MacQuillan empire .
11 Earlier proposals for capital investment had been turned down because the line had been considered beyond further improvement .
12 His skull had been kicked in and the dark blood seeped out , mingling with the grey sludge of his brains .
13 push the bed , the bed had been pushed up and the stuff had tumbled and I just moved it all away
14 It is true that in the case of Buckinghamshire County Council v Moran Slade LJ attached considerable significance to the fact that the land there in question had been fenced off and the gate locked , but the position it seems to me is quite different in a metropolitan context such as one finds in Brighton .
15 It was a repeat of the result of the first Fourball series at Muirfield village two years ago but only the second time that the Americans had been shut out since the fourball format was introduced at Atlanta in 1963 .
16 ‘ If the business had been shut down and the premises sold , what would have happened to you ? ’
17 ‘ The kitchen drawer had been pulled out and the coal bucket had been overturned .
18 The safety surface at the play area near his home in Kendal Drive , Great Sutton , had been torn up and the debris dumped around the climbing frame .
19 The old Theatre Royal in Dunlop Street soon followed , and it seemed that a new age had been ushered in as the gas light glinted on the crystal chandeliers and the illuminati of Glasgow clustered like moths about a bundle of bunsen-burners .
20 The year before , Maxims services had been tried out when the Ministry of the Court commissioned them to provide a banquet in the desert for a hundred people .
21 The next day County issued a press release announcing that 48.9% of the shares had been taken up and the rest sold on the market .
22 The sleepers had been taken up and the flat , stony top of the ridge was so overgrown with blackberries and wild rose and hazelnut bushes that it was like pushing through a forgotten forest in a fairy tale .
23 Black 's surf and Neil Young fascinations had been taken in when The Beach Boys ' ‘ I Know There 's An Answer ’ and ‘ Youngy 's Fuckin' ’ Up ’ played on the PA before his entrance .
24 Black 's surf and Neil Young fascinations had been taken in when The Beach Boys ' ‘ I Know There 's An Answer ’ and ‘ Youngy 's Fuckin' ’ Up ’ played on the PA before his entrance .
25 The original loft had been taken down and the balustrade removed to the west end to form a gallery .
26 ‘ But it also meant a lot of brances had been washed down and the river has a lot of snags anyway .
27 Two more of the nave lights had been switched on but the church was still dim compared with the harsh glare of the arc lights trained on the scene and it took him a minute to locate Father Barnes , a dark shape at the end of the first row of chairs under the pulpit .
28 Soon the stern anchor had been paid out and the Ariadne was back to where she had started , the buoy nudging the midships port side .
29 And er this divided this street into two but at probably a number of years before , it had been tunnelled in and the top part of the street was called Street and there , there was a slight hill run down to .
30 A framework for governing the colonies across the Atlantic had been set up but the British government of the early eighteenth century was not at all energetic in handling problems inside Britain and was most unlikely to exert itself about things further afield .
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