Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [adv] by the " in BNC.

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1 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
2 But he should have realised she 'd been carried away by the atmosphere , and the unexpected potency of the aquavit .
3 Erm yes , they er , they felt they 'd been let down by the Railway men , I think , or someone else at the beginning at the Strike , and they were out on a limb but er they 'd got to make the best of it .
4 William who was a widower told his son he could believe he 'd been taken in by the conmen .
5 The trap in Sam 's boathouse kept intruding and so did Angela Brickell ; the cold threat of khaki water that could rush into aching lungs to bring oblivion and the earthy girl who 'd been claimed back by the earth , eaten clean by earth creatures , become earth-digested dust .
6 Maybe he 'd been scared off by the snow and taken Caspar home .
7 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
8 Hundreds of secret programs that had been built up by the CIA over the years , including data sensitive enough to topple the heads of half a dozen European governments if they were ever to fall into the wrong hands .
9 ‘ If this issue had been built up by the NFU and sufficient Tory MPs had rebelled we could have reversed the cuts but there seemed to be little fight from Edinburgh .
10 In the Williams incident , a caller giving a false name and claiming to be from brokers Hoare Govett rang the Guardian and other newspapers with a story earlier this week claiming that a stake of over 3 per cent had been built secretly by the Barclay brothers .
11 Lying across the East-West divide , the Germans began to feel they had a special understanding of world peace , as well as that they had been singled out by the ‘ Great Powers ’ as Europe 's potential war playground .
12 Government officials said that the events had been planned jointly by the Reform the Armed Forces Movement ( RAM ) , an organization of military officers , and supporters of former President Marcos .
13 At the far end was a small rocky hillock as if huge boulders had been jammed together by the hand of some mythical giant .
14 The dual design had been influenced greatly by the negative British attitude , with the pro-Europeans reluctantly compromising as much as possible in order to ensure British membership .
15 ( In fact , over fifty additional questionnaires had been sent in by the third week in November ) .
16 Television coverage had been scooped up by the BBC , who had realised the dramatic possibilities of the occasion .
17 She stripped it angrily off again , and put back the sweat shirt , and with it a feeling of appropriateness and even virtue , as if she had been tempted briefly by the forbidden .
18 He added that he was particularly pleased to say that funds for the 40,000 sq ft facility had been generated totally by the Company and that none was borrowed money .
19 Part of the top floor had been sectioned off by the police and now housed those involved in the kidnapping .
20 George Barker had taken his place in 1940 but had escaped to the United States before Pearl Harbor , for he had been followed everywhere by the ‘ thought police ’ , the sinister kempeitai , who suspected him of being a communist spy .
21 For the provision of adult education in the post-war period the way forward had been indicated broadly by the Education Act 1944 .
22 The UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , had nominated Virendra Dayal , his ( Indian ) chef de cabinet , for the UNHCR post , but this had been opposed strongly by the United States , and in November Dayal withdrew his candidacy , claiming that his opponents were motivated by racial prejudice .
23 Hu Jiwei had been recalled earlier by the Sichuan provincial people 's congress for his " illegal role in the turmoil " of May and June 1989 when he had attempted to call an emergency meeting of the NPC Standing Committee .
24 The Campbells ' rooms had been given up by the officers of the household for the visitors .
25 The former Cabinet minister refused to rule out the possibility in the wake of his scornful accusation that the Prime Minister 's shrewd political instincts had been led astray by the ‘ Irish logic ’ of the Foreign Office , though he did say it was ‘ very unlikely ’ .
26 Predictably , Franco believed that these were essentially good , but impressionable , young people who had been led astray by the agents of " anti-Spain " .
27 As she hung the waterproofs in the locker she remembered with vivid clarity how his gaze had met hers after Giles had been led away by the stewards .
28 Leading Tory Lady Olga Maitland had been pencilled in by the South Belfast Conservative Association to go on the hustings with candidates last weekend .
29 But he had never seen Tara ; he had been abandoned at birth , he had been flung out by the King , who would have none of his Queen 's bastard wolfson at his Court .
30 The rocks and stones for thirty yards around had been flung outwards by the blast and an unlucky gorse-bush had been reduced and stripped to blackened twigs .
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