Example sentences of "[vb past] been [vb pp] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 And was it any wonder she 'd fled , if she 'd been subjected to the same bullying and threats by an earlier generation of de Rocheforts ?
2 The third round of talks , in May , had been halted over the same issue [ see p. 38191 ] .
3 From the beginning Jarrad had been run by the same directors as Jesner and run in good faith in what the directors perceived to be in the family 's interest .
4 How is it that you do n't know and in your letter to me you said this trust did not know where that money had been withdrawn at the same time Andrew director of Eastern Arts was quite happy to write to me to tell me why he was quite happy to tell the press over the phone why how is it the trust did n't know ?
5 At the former , stone-robbing had effectively removed the crucial junction on the steeply sloping ground ; at the gate , it remained unclear whether the wall was already in existence or whether it had been constructed at the same time .
6 In all patients a quadruple loop ( W ) pouch had been constructed by the same surgeon ( WHFT ) according to standard techniques .
7 The body of Luis Eurico Teixeira Lisboa , a left-wing intellectual , had been discovered in the same graveyard under a false name in 1979 .
8 It was after the Indian team had begun their experiments that they learned about Jones and how his experiments had been motivated by the same ideas as Chatterjee had had .
9 Relations between Forsyth and the Secretary of State for Scotland , Malcolm Rifkind , had been strained during the former 's 14 months in office , and a number of senior party officials had resigned .
10 Initially , she had been ostracised in some quarters , and on several occasions when she had arranged a soiree , rival parties had been arranged for the same night .
11 This residue has no doubt lost the shape of dividends , share warrants or the like but so would the entire income of the fund if it had been lodged in the same way with the Respondent 's bankers .
12 Most of the heads ' experiences had been based on the former , although some of the schools had experienced formula funding since April 1988 .
13 He expected European countries to put pressure on Arab countries to enter into direct negotiations with Israel , and claimed that the EC 's trust in the PLO to relinquish terrorism had been exploited by the latter .
14 His return had been delayed by the same blizzard that had almost prevented Judith leaving Manhattan , and put him beyond the deadline Klein had set .
15 Inexplicably , two compulsory first-year lectures had been scheduled for the same day and time , and the error had only just been noticed .
16 Although the worst had almost happened , namely he had been threatened with the same fate as Jesus , he did not falter from the task of planting the church in Jerusalem and then in regions beyond .
17 But he stressed that no formal approach had been made for the former football ground .
18 According to sources , a bankruptcy order had been made against the former chairman of the Conservative 1922 Committee by the solicitors Denton Hall Burgin and Warrens , who had previously acted for him , and the Inland Revenue petition was automatically dismissed .
19 Once an early challenge from George Crozier 's Metro had been beaten off the former hot rod driver simply ran away with the race in his Westfield .
20 I looked for my favourite character , only to find he had been replaced by the same bitch who has taken over Lloyd 's job .
21 For the first time Isabel wondered if those airs had been caused by the same stupid helplessness which seemed to be gripping her .
22 If the non-transferable votes had been transferred in the same proportion there would have been insufficient transfers to Donnelly to ensure his election .
23 The faculty denied having discriminated against her and said she had been treated in the same way as all others seeking membership of the bar .
24 First he had to sort out the embarrassed financial affairs of his brother John , which had been neglected by the latter whilst working for the Company .
25 A total of 543 Palestinian " collaborators " and 103 Israelis had been killed during the same period .
26 post-war instructions from Moscow ( the Comintern had been dissolved in 1943 ) were to maintain the policy of cooperation with democratic forces which had been implemented during the latter stages of the war .
27 Armenia 's nuclear power station was closed in February 1989 because of earthquake fears , while construction of nuclear plants in Krasnodar and the Crimea had been terminated for the same reason , after popular protests and construction of several reactors of the Chernobyl type had also been halted .
28 Yet she felt , unable to help herself , a certain irrational joyfulness , as though an end and a beginning had been reached at the same time .
29 We discovered a strange fortuity : her mother and my father had been born in the same town of Dumfries and , moreover , we had a marriage connection — her cousin had married my cousin 's cousin !
30 Even more important was that the jungle habitat had been protected for the same reason .
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