Example sentences of "[vb past] been [adj] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 John Beaumont , who moved in 1550 from the Court of Wards to the Mastership of the Rolls , was as corrupt in his second post as he had been greedy in the first .
2 De Gaulle 's foreign policy had restored a level of national self-respect and consensus that had been absent since the First World War .
3 He was familiar with Pound 's writing on Japanese drama , and had been impressed by the first performance of At the Hawk 's Well when he had seen a well-known Japanese dancer take the role of the hawk .
4 When Pound revised and expanded this to make The ABC of Reading ( the title is still a misnomer ) , he winkled out of it most of the anti-Englishness that had been present in the first version , when Pound was still smarting from what he took to be England 's rejection of him eight years before , in 1920 .
5 The second defendant also drove negligently and collided with the vehicles that had been involved in the first accident , killing the plaintiff .
6 He had been aware from the first that Louise disapproved of Grégoire , and disapproved of this informal adoption .
7 Bill Muggeridge , he noted with regret , had been free for the first hour , when Pumfrey and Fenniway had been busy with the Fromes , but was not free again until after lunch .
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