Example sentences of "[vb past] been [verb] [prep] a long " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been thinking for a long time that I 'd welcome the chance to talk with a psychiatrist , although not about captivity — I felt I 'd worked my way through that enough — but about my past and how I came to be the person I was when I was taken hostage .
2 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
3 Obviously a tall , long-legged person will need a big horse ; I recently sold a 17.3hh gelding to a man of six foot eight who had been looking for a long time !
4 He had been gone for a long time .
5 As the door closed , Zen let out a breath he realized he had been holding for a long time .
6 There they had been questioned for a long time , in a way which — Alice could see , watching Bert 's face as he told the tale — had not only impressed but sobered the two .
7 One fishing vessel that we had been watching for a long period had more than one narrow escape from detection by British controls , but was finally turned back by Dutch customs patrols shortly after leaving a Continental port with a cargo of immigrants on board bound for the UK .
8 It had originally been a short par 4 , but had been turned into a long par 3 .
9 It had been known for a long time that histamine was responsible for producing many allergies and the first antihistamine drug was produced in France in 1937 .
10 As I 've mentioned already in the context of metaphors of memory , the phenomenon of ‘ animal electricity ’ and its relation to neural activity had been known for a long time — at least since Galvani 's demonstration in Bologna in the 1790s that electrical pulses caused a frog 's legs to twitch .
11 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
12 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
13 In early 1977 , for the first time in 30 years , campesinos in the central region of the country occupied land from which they had been evicted over a long period of time to make way for export crops .
14 CHC had been saying for a long time , and it seemed to be falling on deaf ears that a date should be set for the closure of Friern and that money should not be spent on the hospital but on services in the community .
15 It was not easy , even for a German captain , to intervene at this stage , but once he had been subjected to a long discussion and much persuasion , he contacted the SS in Tabiano and managed to have us set free .
16 The tireless charity worker , who had been suffering from a long illness , had overcome his own difficulties to talk of his hopes and plans for others .
17 I 'm sure that if he had said something he never have betrayed the pain he had been guarding for a long time .
18 Many of these children had been attending for a long time , so they already knew many things , specially the important things like how to stand in line and what to do when your pen-nib broke .
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