Example sentences of "[vb past] their [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many students told me that they only joined the League because it was the correct thing to do at middle school and at university they maintained their membership for the social functions the League organised , such as outings and dances .
2 Struggling in the set-pieces , Scotland maintained their challenge through the superb play of the loose forwards , especially Rob Wainwright .
3 After Adelaide , Bodyline was not exploited with quite the same intensity , but the crowds retained their fury at the mere sight of a ‘ bumper ’ .
4 Inverleith retained their place in the top flight with a dramatic 7-6 victory over Touche Ross in the final game .
5 In the Berne elections on April 29 , 1990 , the coalition parties retained their domination of the grand council .
6 The shadow social security secretary , Donald Dewar , and Labour 's Scottish affairs spokesman , Henry McLeish , described their anger at the worsening situation when unveiling a rolling campaign aimed at highlighting the rising level of poverty across Scotland .
7 It was Corrary who pointed , and drew their gaze to the dark shadow on the water .
8 Whether they want to go or not , they take their turn and the employer had to pay a percentage into the pool what those men earned , so when those men had n't work at all they drew their money from the National Dock Labour Board .
9 He let them study the map a while , accustoming themselves once again to its details , then drew their attention to the large red-shaded area to the bottom left of the map .
10 They were free to pursue their loyalist goals unhindered , while making strong-sounding nationalist statements which authenticated their leadership among the local community where they had economic or family status .
11 I know my Spencer ancestors built their wealth in the sixteenth century on the rearing of sheep , and I believe one of the benefits of receiving the Freedom of the City is that Freemen , or Women , are able to drive sheep across London Bridge and through the City of London .
12 Traders and craftsmen , who provided goods for the troops and the King 's Court , built their houses on the sloping tail of rock which had been protected from erosion when slowly passing ice sheets had scraped at the valley floor .
13 Using genuine folk instruments such as armadillo charangos , pan pipes and caja and playing them splendidly , the group built their programme around the Bolivian seasons and the ritual divisions of the year .
14 ‘ Either at the request of some lady because it disturbed their bouncing on the royal bed .
15 Betty and George found their support in the local day centre , Jill from a relative 's support group and Gladys through a care attendant scheme that relieved her responsibilities for a few hours each day .
16 Others , on the judge delegate courts , found their way through the Five Compilations into the Decretales of 1234 .
17 Later , of course , engines of the Stirling and Ivatt vintage found their way down the single line branch .
18 Scarabs , beads , pendants , and ivories found their way to the Minoan temple sites .
19 It is intriguing to wonder how some of the emigrants found their way to the outlandish places in which they settled , or how Ayrshire names came to be given to spots which are amongst the most isolated on earth .
20 Religions , cults , sects and mystery schools from other parts of the Empire — notably from Greece , from Syria , from Egypt , from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor — also found their way to the Holy Land , struck roots and flourished .
21 Others found their way into the western reaches of Argyll , also using shore caves as a base from which they went out seasonally fishing , hunting and gathering fruit , nuts and birds ' eggs .
22 Some of its recommendations were accepted and found their way into the Legal Aid Act 1988 .
23 The rivermen were finding it hard ; the scramble for work was becoming more and more intense as family debts grew and many valued and treasured items found their way into the local pawnshops .
24 Birkenhead , Wirral 's principal town , was dubbed ‘ Smack City ’ by The Observer and apocryphal stories about heroin in school dinners and 5 wraps in ice-cream cornets on sale outside primary schools , first constructed in the popular Press , soon found their way into the worthy Times Educational Supplement ( 9 March 1984 ) .
25 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
26 Realizing there was nowhere to run in time , the Marines concentrated their fire on the crouching figures behind the guns , but they were too well protected .
27 However , several respondents mentioned their dependence on the ritual aspect of their heroin use .
28 Many colleges were originally teachers ' colleges which diversified their provision in the 1970s to include broad-based arts , social science and science degrees .
29 The week Miles reviewed them for EVO they changed their name to the Pink Floyd .
30 341 companies changed their auditor during the four years the study covers ; 60% of these involved a change of tier .
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