Example sentences of "[vb past] she have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They believed she had been murdered by the Grantley Ripper although as yet no body had turned up .
2 It might have been my colleague Ann — who knew my whereabouts — or even my editor , come to congratulate me on the first pages of Lover at the Gate which I had faxed through from the hotel 's secretariat — or even Sophie , come to apologize , though I hardly imagined she had been promoted from child to lady in the few weeks of my absence .
3 Pc Court had threatened to take the force to an industrial tribunal last year alleging sexual discrimination in a case supported by the Police Federation , but Mr Newing agreed she had been disadvantaged after the arbitration service ACAS was brought in .
4 Jahsaxa flinched with annoyance when she realised she 'd been connected with the Roirbak answering machine again .
5 After a while she realised she 'd been beating at him with her fists hard enough to hurt and yet he had n't lifted a finger to stop her .
6 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
7 A JUDGE was forced to scrap a lengthy criminal trial after a woman juror claimed she had been threatened with the sack .
8 She had a skullcracker of a headache , and guessed she 'd been opened in several places by knifecuts , branded in others by dollops of fire .
9 The sergeant saw her eyes were dim with sadness and he guessed she had been thinking about her former husband .
10 He guessed she had been named after Lady Irene Nevil 's daughter in Wrenwood .
11 A post-mortem examination at the time showed she 'd been hit on the head with a blunt instrument .
12 Her words sliced through Shannon like burning arrows , but only a faint staining of her cheeks showed she 'd been affected in the slightest .
13 She discovered she 'd been sleeping on her back .
14 Tony Nelson , defending , told Wirral magistrates David Roger Powney panicked when he heard she had been rushed to hospital .
15 Her family heard she had been taken to the Regional Command Military camp in Legaspi City .
16 Ms Jackson , a sales representative , alleged she had been assaulted by a man after a motoring incident on the A74 southbound carriageway .
17 COPREFA later retracted this statement , recognized she was a human rights worker and decided she had been caught in the cross-fire when she died .
18 Suitably armed , the Princess felt confident enough to write a long and detailed rejoinder to her irate father-in-law which effectively spelled out the way she felt she had been treated by husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
19 It prompted Diana to speak to a lawyer and write to her father-in-law spelling out the way she felt she had been treated by her husband , the Royal Family and their courtiers .
20 He was making her act like a gauche schoolgirl — Aurora Blake , who could hold thousands spellbound with the power of her voice , who could mix happily with kings and commoners — stammering apologetically because a man who had wandered unwanted and uninvited into her garden knew she 'd been looking at him !
21 They knew she 'd been drinking on the way in .
22 She knew she had been dismissed from Algox because she had not been up for grabs .
23 But Navratilova knew she had been outplayed by Sukova , a player she had beaten in 25 of 29 earlier meetings .
24 ‘ Leith Everett , ’ she stated down the phone , and soon knew she had been living in a fool 's paradise these last few hours .
25 She caught her breath , a strange little movement in her face betraying the fact that she thought she had been tricked by him .
26 The Nefertari was a veteran , it was said , of something between 30 and 40 years on the river ; someone thought she had been built on the hull of a much older Nile steamer , and another that she might be a pharaoh 's reconstituted sun-boat , disinterred , like the others , near the Great Pyramid .
27 Oliver insisted she had been followed from Fleet Street and that it was likely the police had tapped her office telephone .
28 Attention was first drawn to them in 1988 when a 17-year-old resident complained she had been held in continuous confinement for seven weeks and forcibly injected with a sedative .
29 She said she had been threatened with hundreds of pickets if she did not reinstate Miss Owen .
30 ‘ She said she had been locked in a flat in Moston for about a week and had been injected with drugs during that time .
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