Example sentences of "[vb past] not [vb infin] [pron] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 They did not want their gesture to be viewed as part of that historical movement but as a genuine protest with genuine grievances .
2 And if species did not owe their origins to God , was there a Divine Creator at all ?
3 To imagine a straight structure which did not owe its straightness to this cause would require an assumption of a highly fortuitous combination of angles between sections . ’
4 Most MPs who voted against Lloyd George in 1922 did not envisage a Unionist government as the final outcome , and the defeated ministers did not expect their discomfiture to be permanent .
5 Mr Smith said in an interview on BBC television 's On the Record that he did not expect his colleagues to ‘ spend and spend again' when they took office .
6 He classified his poems on Hartleian principles , e.g. Imagination , Affection , Sentiment and Reflection , and in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads he explained that one of the functions of poetry is to show how ‘ we associate ideas in a state of excitement ’ ; Wordsworth did not expect his poems to ‘ gratify certain known habits of association ’ — he will provide new associations and ‘ create the taste by which he is to be enjoyed ’ .
7 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
8 In Kufra , in 1979 , some people did not pay their contribution to the small boy who visited the houses , so their shaikh went in person .
9 Jordan did not abandon its claim to the West Bank .
10 Despite PLO-Hashemite co-operation , Jordan did not abandon its claim to the West Bank .
11 Users looking for information on a particular subject did not restrict their consultation to the subject portion of the catalogue .
12 I did not mean your consent to this .
13 In conversation with the boys they learnt of Minton 's homosexuality and though this ruled him out as a potential husband it did not diminish their desire to be in his company .
14 That night I did not open my window to the usually sweet night air but kept it tight shut against the threatening darkness .
15 He will venture to suggest , with the greatest possible respect to Mr. Justice Blank , that his lordship perhaps did not intend his words to be understood in their widest acceptation .
16 ‘ My homesite was Cape Wrath but before I ever made my first flight a Man came and … ’ and he began to tell her his story , of the Zoo , of the Cages , of the Men there and his sudden escape … only leaving out mention of the other eagles in the Cages for in his heart he knew their pride would ask that he did not mention their names to a free eagle , nor would they wish for pity from outside .
17 The two other functions of a king he shirked : he did not lead his armies to war , anyway in his later years , and he did not provide an heir .
18 Karl turned and walked back along the other side of the garden , although this time Erika did not draw his attention to the words of Josef Stalin paying tribute to glorious workers , doctors , nurses , and so on .
19 And this could never be real , this never could be happening to her , walking on the white squares behind Finn , who moved as if he did not set his feet to the ground , so gracefully , so uncannily .
20 So when Tommaso showed interest in her during those Easter holidays , she noticed him ; while Caterina remained unaware , for she had always the effect of spreading pleasure , and did not remark his response to her , his alert shoulders , his greedy pale eyes tensing for a moment , then flicking guiltily away to contemplate her sister .
21 In 1859 Beresford headed a protest against the Derby ministry 's reform bill but did not press his opposition to a vote .
22 Besides , the Queen did not like her children to be indulged .
23 They did not like his approach to it .
24 ( The education of Dustin towards some understanding of feminism , even though mainly in theory rather than in practice , was only to come after his divorce , the making of Kramer vs Kramer and Tootsie , and marriage to a woman who did not put his ideas to the test . )
25 The reason Bohm could get away with it was that he did not submit his theory to this superfluous requirement .
26 Henceforth , the Treasury and the Bank did not allow their minds to be troubled by questions about the proper role for sterling .
27 Prince Florestan had a serious purpose however , and did not confine his activities to mixing with London society , even though he enjoyed a guaranteed entrée .
28 He did not confine his activities to Claudine , then ?
29 Lord did not confine his ventures to cricket .
30 He did not turn his head to right or left , but looked straight in front of him with wild determination .
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