Example sentences of "[vb past] not [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After Shaw hit her unfortunate pinnacle ( ‘ Puppet On A String ’ ) , she decided not to grow into desperate pantomime but discover the importance of real life as far away from the music business as possible .
2 Any male who chose not to mate with certain kinds of females would mate less than his non-discriminatory competitors .
3 She took a lot of convincing : distrust was deeply ingrained in her , she dared not believe in good fortune ; she was conditioned to thinking in terms of Lajos and adjustment took some time .
4 And even that did not make for encouraging listening .
5 Though he denounced the American-led initiative to establish protected enclaves in the north as an infringement of Iraq 's sovereignty , he did not intervene as western soldiers got on with what is indeed a mighty infringement .
6 I decided that she had never really liked Richard and wrote her an angry letter attacking a Labour politician I knew she particularly admired , saying he did not care for Socialist principles and was no more than a cunning man who would do anything for power .
7 He did not gain many public commissions , because he did not care for architectural competitions .
8 Barton did not care for Indian food and ate sparingly from the vegetarian buffet .
9 But Boyd did not care about new hats or new frocks .
10 They did not rely on mighty sinews and glittering steel as a true warrior should .
11 Otherwise dates did not appear on western coinage until the thirteenth century .
12 Royal Brass commemorative horse-brasses did not appear until Victorian times and , in any case , the shape can not be described as traditional .
13 All company data obtained were screened to make sure they were Scotch Whisky specific , and did not relate to other spirits related sales and production costs .
14 In the emergency room he appeared deeply comatose : his eyes were closed and he did not react to noxious stimuli .
15 O.G.S. Crawford refused a paid advertisement for the book in the journal Antiquity , his objection centring around the view that prehistoric people did not walk in straight lines , as all the undoubted prehistoric roads were winding .
16 At that time I did not think of other people , and what the creature could do to them .
17 Their humour did not consist of mere jokes ( though they could make those too ) but in their whole attitude to life , as the violin runs through the Benedictus of the Missa Solemnis like a golden thread from which all else rises and falls ; an unforced humour which has known tragedy , and learnt to surmount it .
18 On the other hand , by the time of Herodotus and Thucydides life in the polis did not consist of isolated episodes covering heroes but depended on the continuity of institutions , laws , contracts , and expectations .
19 Participants at the Oct. 5 meeting agreed that the violence did not originate in tribal conflict between Xhosa and Zulu , as had been widely reported , but was " orchestrated by certain faceless forces " ( later named by Mandela as state security organs , specifically the National Intelligence Service and the Civil Co-operation Bureau ) .
20 The cat did not return until late afternoon .
21 It also emerged that the oil was a light crude , which meant it dispersed more easily and did not soak into sandy beaches or adhere to birds ' feathers in the way that the heavy crude of the Exxon Valdez had done .
22 And Pound 's generosity towards Eliot did not fail through subsequent decades , when nothing was more common among the English intelligentsia , especially the academic part of it , than to assail Pound with weapons picked from Eliot 's armoury .
23 Marcion 's principle of exclusion gave sharp impetus to the early church 's need to define which books did or did not rank as authoritative documents to which appeal could be made .
24 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
25 Marryat was not avoiding actuality : his authentic plots did not extend to emotional exploration .
26 So far as wasted costs orders were concerned , cover was already provided by the BMIF for the benefit of those who had been made subject to such orders ; but that cover did not extend to related costs .
27 An overwhelming body of evidence indicates that Nazareth did not exist in biblical times .
28 Earlier Neil Kinnock , the Labour leader , hoped it would be demonstrated that Sir Nicholas did not speak for other Tories ‘ because the gutter language he used is not fit for anyone standing for a democratic party ’ .
29 I felt that the texts he was reading did not speak of familiar experiences or vocabulary .
30 They did not speak of permanent hostilities between sections or lineages , but they did speak of peaces between lineages .
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