Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 A woman at last night 's councillors ' gathering lamented that her nephew reached the age of three before seeing one .
2 Brook added that his analysis confirmed the importance of the proposal to submit twice-yearly forecasts to the Cabinet on the trend of future spending .
3 As he ran miserably out of the room , Hindley and his wife laughed loudly , delighted that their plan to separate the two young people seemed to be succeeding .
4 A Liverpool Police Constable stated that his beat included the Communist Party offices in Hope Street .
5 Gnostic teachers claimed that their dualism explained the origin of evil far better than the orthodox church 's view that the created world comes from a perfectly good and all-powerful God .
6 Mr Brown claimed that his failure to answer the question directly meant that ‘ nobody in this country trusts him ’ .
7 This apparently more hardline stance of the SOC was reinforced by Hun Sen , when in a speech on Nov. 24 he indicated that his government rejected the Security Council 's peace plan and " will not agree to what is decided in Paris " .
8 All of which pushed THe Smiths surprisingly above the more ‘ instant ’ Frankie Goes To Hollywood and implied that their following touched the size of The Jam 's a few years previously .
9 But when he handed her a cup of coffee and sat down opposite she saw that his face held the cool , ascetic look of a lawyer rather than the heated sensuality of a lover .
10 One minute they were having a philosophical discussion , and the next a very physical encounter , in which Shelley felt that her companion had the greater advantage .
11 We had considerable reservations last week about the Prison Security Bill : we felt that our debate missed the opportunity to create a real piece of penal reform — legislation that would change our penal system radically , along the lines of the Woolf report .
12 Everyone knew that its sound portended the death of someone in the house within the year .
13 About half thought that their organisation used the second form of participation , that employees were kept informed .
14 I can tell him how the Store nomes thought that his grandfather created the world .
15 Were they cos I read this wife in Sanday said that her dad covered the coffins in black material .
16 The sister said that her brother consulted the psychiatrist after feeling depressed , homesick and lonely .
17 He said that his government attached the highest priority to restoring the health of the economy , and promised that a budget would be introduced within a month and that dialogue with the IMF would continue .
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