Example sentences of "[vb past] that [noun] had [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Serve him right , Virginia thought uncharitably , but some buried corner of her rejoiced that Guy had told the truth , at least on that score …
2 From that moment , I never doubted that God had put the right man , Vitalis , in the right place at the appropriate time .
3 This allegation seems never to have been proved , but , in connected proceedings brought against the sheriff of Surrey , a jury found that Inge had borrowed the plaintiff 's original writ from the sheriff and tampered with it .
4 When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping .
5 Downstairs in the kitchen he found that Celia had done the washing up and left a fresh pint of milk and the morning 's mail on the table .
6 Izvestiya of Oct. 1 reported that Yeltsin had signed the relevant decrees to implement the measures .
7 The Ha'aretz newspaper reported that Israel had accepted the MTCR under pressure from the USA , which had threatened to close US suppliers to Israel 's military industry .
8 Die Welt of Dec. 22 reported that France had raised the question of the payment of Second World War reparations to French nationals by Germany during the two-plus-four talks on German unification .
9 On Feb. 24 , IRNA reported that Rafsanjani had laid the blame for the commencement of the ground offensive on Iraq .
10 Feeling in the dark , he checked that Lee had got the belt on tight enough .
11 Judge Diamond ruled that Barrett had obtained the pieces through fraudulent misrepresentation and ordered him to return them .
12 Reporting the Lithuanian response , the official Soviet news agency Tass on March 19 announced that Gorbachev had ordered the Soviet government to implement " a number of immediate measures " in the light of information which " bears witness to the fact that the present leadership of the republic has embarked on a path of crude violations of constitutional order and of arbitrarily deciding matters which affect the interest of the USSR " .
13 Diplomatic sources revealed that Croatia had rejected the amended version .
14 Birbeck believed that Branson had played the joke as ‘ revenge ’ for a Music Week reporter feeding stories disparaging Branson to the satirical magazine Private Eye — and he was partly right .
15 The report added that participants had emphasised the significance of the exchange of military information , which had taken place for the first time in Vienna in mid-April , as " one of the key links in the development of a confidence-building and security system in Europe " .
16 The Legend also proclaimed that Constantine had recognized the unique spiritual status of the Roman see , confirming the primacy of Rome and of the see of St Peter over the four patriarchates of Antioch , Constantinople , Alexandria and Jerusalem .
17 Speaking at a rally in Budapest , the Hungarian Prime Minister , Jozsef Antall said that he condemned the treaty " historically speaking " , but noted that Hungary had signed the 1975 Helsinki Final Act renouncing the violent changing of frontiers .
18 It seemed that Mathers had closed the conversation down .
19 Although Donleavy had told him to stay clear of American officials overseas in case they were under surveillance by foreign intelligence agencies , Coleman assumed that Sasser had cleared the meeting with Control and drove up from Larnaca to keep the appointment , expecting to be briefed on some unexpected emergency .
20 He wrote a letter to his friend and former pupil Benedetto Castelli in which he discussed the Bible , especially the passage that stated that Joshua had commanded the Sun to stand still , a fact that would have proved that the Sun must previously have been moving , as Aristotle and Ptolemy had said .
21 Contrast with this case Hiort v. Bott , where A mistakenly sent an invoice for barley to B ( who had ordered none ) , which stated that B had bought the barley of A through G as broker ; and A also sent B a delivery order which made the barley deliverable to the order of A or of B. G then told B there had been a mistake and got B to endorse the delivery order to himself .
22 Raven Thomson was deemed not to be insulting when he said at Bethnal Green in March 1937 that he had the utmost contempt for the Jews and that they were ‘ the most miserable type of humanity , ’ but an Inspector Jones was overruled when he reported that Mick Clarke had used no inflammatory language at the same venue in June 1937 , when other police shorthand notes stated that Clarke had called the Jews ‘ greasy Scum ’ and ‘ the lice of the earth ’ .
23 Addressing a special session of the Cortes ( parliament ) on Feb. 1 , Alfonso Guerra , who at no time condoned his brother 's alleged activities , acknowledged that Juan had used the government office but said that this was because he was helping him as deputy secretary of the PSOE , and he denied that private activities had been carried out in the office in his presence or with his knowledge .
24 Then an Iraqi spokesman claimed that Iraq had mined the approach to Bandar Khomeini , though this was contradicted by Iran .
25 Echoing Plato , Galileo claimed that God had created the world according to mathematical proportions .
26 Commentators analysing the results said that they showed that voters had rewarded the NSF for its efforts over the past six months , had opted for gradual change , and supported a political grouping which showed far greater coherence than the fragmented opposition .
27 The TV playback showed that Southall had held the ball for 13 seconds , although it did not seem as long at the time .
28 A new scar ran from the line of his jaw down into the collar of his open tunic , and Jehan guessed that Artai had broken the law which forbade the ill-treatment of captives , and he frowned .
29 He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law .
30 On Feb. 24 Monsengwo Pasinya , president of the national conference , indicated that Nguza had abandoned the round table idea but was still expected to demand a reduction in the number of delegates to the conference .
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