Example sentences of "[vb past] at [art] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Loretta peered at the bare facts of Puddephat 's life .
2 David photographed at the Grammy Awards of 1975 with John Lennon , Yoko Ono and Roberta Flack
3 Thus while labour productivity in terms of gross domestic product per head grew at 1.5 per cent per annum between 1945 and 1951 ( and by 2.5 per cent per annum between 1948 and 1951 ) it will be shown that these gains hardly nibbled at the chronic problems of overmanning in British industry ( Chapters 3 and 5 below ) .
4 But in 1987 , countries including Germany and Britain cavilled at the combined costs of the three programmes — Ariane 5 , Columbus and Hermes .
5 While she phoned the switchboard and requested that they page the cardiographer , Michael Barrington the orthopaedic SR arrived and glanced at the shattered stubs of the young man 's femurs .
6 Breathing deeply , fighting sudden fresh tears , she stared at the whitewashed walls of the tiny , tidy yard .
7 Melissa stared at the two slabs of raw meat that he took from the refrigerator and felt her appetite vanish .
8 Benjamin nodded and stared at the dying flames of the fire .
9 Walter Carew raised his head and stared at the grey tendrils of smoke climbing up from the brown barren waste .
10 She laughed and laughed at The Merry Wives of Windsor .
11 She shuddered as the switchback roared overhead , but stood watching as a small train meandered through a series of paths , and laughed at the joyful screams of the children on the dodgems .
12 However , if we looked at the total costs of using the vehicles one could argue that by using reducing balance the repair costs in later life would be compensated by the additional depreciation in earlier years so achieving a matching of costs and revenues over the assets ' life .
13 As they sat together on the grass , she looked at the tumbling waters of the beck and told him how Maria had slipped on the stepping-stones , down by the farm .
14 Fowler looked at the tiny fields of black soil and wondered how anyone could scratch a living from them .
15 With time to spare , we looked at the two cathedrals of Tuam , Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland .
16 In this survey they looked at the different kinds of training and jobs undertaken by black people and found that they were likely to be doing worse jobs than white youth irrespective of their qualifications .
17 She looked at the rigid contours of his face and wanted to run , but her feet felt like lead weights .
18 Telling my story , I looked at the green fields of wheat moving in the wind .
19 I sat with my head between my legs and looked at the dirt-encrusted toenails of the silent Yugoslavian on my left until-'Jennings ' was called from the next room .
20 Lucy , all this time , was still sitting on the verandah surrounded by her cartridge-making tools and weeping bitterly as she looked at the neat rows of cartridges she had made and which were no longer needed .
21 Shelley looked at the happy faces of her companions , and knew they wanted to be alone , however sweet they were being .
22 The front of the hurricane tore at the lower flanks of the mountains , rending great trees from the rain forest and tossing them aside as if they were little more than sticks .
23 The pale round blobs of the humans ' faces appeared at the dusty windows of the shed .
24 Christina arranged dinner with Celia , then picked some mimosa and bright-lavender periwinkle flowers for the dining-table , which she was arranging when Stephen appeared at the french windows of the dining-room , looming out of the lengthening shadows as dusk turned quickly into night .
25 He gazed at the two scraps of blue thread and the single button as if they were the contents of Aladdin 's cave and then turned admiring eyes on Melissa .
26 Helen leaned over my shoulder and gazed at the long lines of boy scouts , girl guides , ex-servicemen , with half the population of the town packed on the pavements , watching .
27 She sat there , her feet on tiptoe , just reaching the black and white floor , and gazed at the glazed bumps of the linen towel hanging from a hook on the back of the door , the little wash-basin shaped like a scallop shell , the black and white edging of the tiles above .
28 In the dark of the year the little penguin gazed at the wild lights of Aurora 's Dancers whirling above her .
29 I tell the truth , honest I do ! " one was shouting , and it and a few others tugged at the lower edges of the few furs he still had on and pulling on his under-breeches where they appeared out of the top of his boots .
30 Scathach tugged at the crude bridles of the three horses and the beasts , terrified by the transition from tranquillity to rage and protesting loudly , stepped through .
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