Example sentences of "[vb past] he [verb] of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What did he make of the threat from Black Africa ?
2 What did he think of the game ?
3 Did he think of the gesture a little too late ?
4 What did he know of the pains and penalties of being a female ?
5 To his dismay , she wept and only then did he hear of the plan with which she had gone to Mrs Browning .
6 Clotworthy demonstrates that it is the accused 's belief which counts , not whether the owner really would have consented , had he known of the lack of insurance .
7 The Lords in both cases argued that the seller would not have proceeded with the sale , had he known of the lack of authority , but the argument is hypothetical because the seller did not know .
8 The accused does not , for instance , need to have reasonable grounds for his belief that the owner would have consented , had he known of the circumstances .
9 Presumably , however , the victim would not have paid , had he known of the deception despite his having a legal obligation to pay .
10 Instead , he is limited to a sum which reflects the difference between what he actually paid for the property , and what the Court thinks he would have paid had he known of the defect at the time he bought it .
11 Rather one asks , ‘ Had he known of the defect , what type of damage could the seller at the time of the contract reasonably have predicted ? ’
12 The manager would not have agreed , had he known of the truth .
13 Afterwards , Ali , 19 , from Luton , Bedfordshire , said he approved of the sheikh 's message .
14 Dr Varmus said he learned of the prize in an early morning call to his home from a radio reporter .
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